SICB 2014 Meeting, Austin TX, January 3-7, 2014
List of Sessions
Click on session to view list of presentations
S1 | Epigenetics: Molecular Mechanisms Through Organismal Influences |
S2 | Stress, condition and ornamentation |
S3 | The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution |
S4 | Methods and mechanisms in ecoimmunology |
S5 | Terrestrial Locomotion – Where Do We Stand, Where Are We Going? |
S6 | A New Organismal Systems Biology: How Animals Walk the Tightrope between Stability and Change |
S8 | Adaptation or Developmental Constraint? Uniting Evolutionary Theory and Empirical Studies of Phenotypic Plasticity |
S7 | Parasitic manipulation of host phenotype, or how to make a zombie |
S10 | Shaking, dripping and drinking: Surface-tension phenomena in organismal biology |
S9 | The micro and macro of nutrient effects in animal physiology and ecology |
Contributed Oral Presentations
PLEN | Plenary Session |
BART | George A. Bartholomew Lecture |
BERN | Bern Lecture |
MOORE | Moore Lecture |
1 | Thermal ecology and physiology 1 |
2 | Coral reef biology |
3 | Behavioral endocrinology |
4 | Mechanisms underlying specialized behaviors 1 |
5 | Evolutionary morphology 1 |
6 | Using mathematical robotics to understand swimming |
7 | Radiations and morphological diversity of fishes |
8 | DVM/DCB 5 min talks |
9 | Behavioral ecology: temperature and climate |
10 | Immunology |
11 | Thermal ecology and physiology 2 |
12 | Coral reef ecophysiology |
14 | Mechanisms underlying specialized behaviors 2 |
15 | Evolutionary morphology 2 |
16 | Local adaptation |
17 | Saltation |
18 | Behavioral ecology: movement and foraging |
19 | Macroevolution and paleobiology |
20 | DEE Huey competition |
21 | Ocean Acidification and Intertidal Zone Biology |
22 | DCE Gorbman competition |
23 | Functional morphology |
25 | Complementary session to terrestrial locomotion symposium |
26 | Locomotion and morphology |
27 | Material properties: design and function |
28 | Cooperation and group behavior |
29 | Neurobiology |
30 | Environmental Endocrinology: A Special Session Honoring John Wingfield 1 |
31 | Molecular evolution |
32 | DPCB Best student paper compentition 1 |
33 | Color and visual ecology |
34 | Behavioral ecology: habitat |
35 | Force and flow |
36 | Aquatic toxins |
37 | Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution |
38 | Neurobiology: Sensory systems I |
39 | Muscle physiology I |
40 | Sexual selection and mate choice |
41 | Novel swimming mechanisms |
42 | DPCB Best student paper compentition 2 |
43 | Cranial morphology |
44 | Parental care |
45 | Scaling |
47 | Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution |
48 | Neurobiology: Sensory Systems II |
49 | Complementary Session to Shaking, dripping and drinking |
50 | Muscle Physiology II |
51 | Nervous system development and evolution |
52 | Sexual Selection – Post copulatory processes |
53 | Complimentary session: honoring John Wingfield 1 |
54 | Escape and evasive manuevers in flight |
55 | Evolutionary physiology |
56 | Cranial Evolution |
57 | DAB Best Student paper competition |
58 | Sensory and respiratory physiology 1 |
59 | Human impacts |
60 | Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution |
61 | Neurobiology: Motor systems |
62 | Complementary session: Stress, condition and ornamentation |
63 | Muscle physiology III |
64 | Environmental change |
65 | Environmental endocrinology: A special session honoring John Wingfield 2 |
66 | Adaptation, macrophysiology and freeze tolerance |
67 | Locomotion, morphology and performance |
68 | Biophysical ecology |
69 | Complementary session: Terrestrial locomotion: Where do we stand, where are we going? |
70 | Life history evolution |
71 | Sexual signals |
72 | Complementary session: A new organismal systems biology: How animals walk the tightrope between stability and change |
73 | Neurobiology of insect flight I |
74 | Cardiovascular physiology |
75 | Developmental physiology |
76 | Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution |
77 | Complementary session: The micro and macro of nutrient effects in animal physiology and ecology |
78 | Vertebrate ecology |
79 | Hypoxia / oxidative stress |
80 | Swimming manuevers and control |
81 | Marine larval ecology |
82 | Morphology and feeding mechanics |
83 | Signal function |
84 | Complementary session: A new organismal systems biology: How animals walk the tightrope between stability and change |
85 | Neurobiology of insect flight 2 |
86 | Microbes and symbiosis |
87 | Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution |
88 | Ventilation and gas exchange in organisms and burrows |
89 | Complimentary session: Honoring John Wingfield 2 |
90 | Thermal and osmotic stress, insect gas exchange |
91 | Feeding mechanisms and innovations |
92 | Chemical ecology |
93 | Complementary session: Terrestrial locomotion symposium |
94 | Sexual dimorphism |
95 | Social status and aggression |
96 | Population genetics |
97 | Neurobiology: Sensory integration |
98 | Digestion |
99 | Developmental regulation and evolution |
100 | Sensory and respiratory physiology 2 |
102 | Thermal biology: characterizing the environment and thermoregulation |
103 | Comparative endocrinology 2 |
104 | Wing design |
105 | Community ecology |
106 | Reproductive behavior |
107 | Complementary session: Adaptation or developmental constraint? Uniting evolutionary theory and empirical studies |
108 | Feeding physiology, aging and water and osmotic physiology |
109 | Genomics of physiology and structure |
110 | Locomotion and morphology |
111 | Complementary session: Parasitic manipulation of host phenotype, or how to make a zombie |
112 | Locomotion in context |
113 | Physiological Ecology |
114 | Stress |
115 | Shape Diversity |
116 | Biodiversity |
117 | Signal evolution |
118 | Genomics of genetics and speciation |
119 | Specialized gaits |
120 | Complementary session: Adaptation or developmental constraint? Uniting evolutionary theory and empirical studies |
122 | Bipedal locomotion |
123 | Regulation of vertebrate development |
124 | Biogeography |
125 | Complimentary session: Honoring John Wingfield 3 |
126 | Novel analysis of animal flight |
127 | Behavior: variation and plasticity |
128 | Life history transitions and evolution |
129 | Endocrinology of growth and development |
130 | Evolutionary morphology and phylogenetics |
131 | Complementary session: Methods and mechanisms in ecoimmunology |
132 | Environmental toxicology |
Contributed Poster Presentations
P3 | Poster Session 3 |
P1 | Poster Session 1 |
P2 | Poster Session 2 |