Session 90

Thermal and osmotic stress, insect gas exchange

Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:30
Room: Salon E

Session Chair(s): Erica Heinrich, David Buckwalter

Session Author(s) Title

JOST, JA*; KESHWANI, S; SOLTIS, E; MOYER, M; VEZINAW, C Sublethal temperature tolerance of the invasive zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha: Linking growth to cellular indicators of temperature stress

SCHWARTZ, TS*; MCGAUGH, S; BRONIKOWSKI, AM Gene expression and genetic variation in the heat stress response of garter snake life-history ecotypes

BOLLFRASS, K.T.*; GREEN, C.C. Oxidative stress in red swap crayfish Procanmbarus clarkii exposed to acute hyperosmotic conditions

BUCHWALTER, D*; CAMP, A; KIM, K; FUNK, D; PATHMASIRI, W; RAYMER, J; SUMNER, S Does temperature affect aquatic insects via oxygen limitation?

HEINRICH, EC*; GRAY, EM; VORHEES, AS; MEIGHER, SG; BRADLEY, TJ Post-mortal CO2 release by insects at high temperatures

PENDAR, H*; SOCHA, JJ Computational methods to determine the instantaneous respiratory patterns of animals from respirometry data

GARRETT, J*; SOCHA, J.J. Coordination of abdominal pumping, spiracular valving, and tracheal compression in the Madagascar hissing cockroach

HARRISON, J.F.*; KLOK, C.J.; VANDENBROOKS, J.M.; DUELL, M.E.; CAMPBELL, J.B.; JIRJIES, S.; SOCHA, J.J. Grasshoppers defy gravity? Body position effects on hemolymph and air distribution in Schistocerca americana
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