Session 3

Behavioral endocrinology

Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 08:00-10:00
Room: 400

Session Chair(s): H. Bobby Fokidis, Andres Vidal-Gadea

Session Author(s) Title

FOKIDIS, HB*; PRIOR, NH; MA, CC; GRADANDOS-SAMAYOA, J; TAVES, MD; ADOMAT, HA; GUNS, ES; SALDANHA, CJ; SOMA , KK Aggressive responses to food insecurity: the search for novel steroid-peptide interactions

ELDERBROCK, E.K.*; SMALL, T.W.; SCHOECH, S.J. Nestling begging rate predicts adult physiological stress response in Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens)

BEBUS, SE*; JONES, BC; SCHOECH, SJ Stress-response, experience, and neophobia in free-living Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens)

GREIVES, T*; KINGMA, S; KRANSTAUBER, B; HAU, M Continuous release melatonin implants delay daily activity onset and alter reproductive success in the great tit (Parus major)

SINGLETON, J. M.*; GARLAND, T. Influence of corticosterone on growth, home-cage activity, wheel running, and maximal oxygen consumption in replicate lines of house mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behavior

VIDAL-GADEA, AG*; TOPPER, S; YOUNG, L; KRESSIN, L; ELBEL, E; BRETTMANN, L; WARD, KA; PIERCE-SHIMOMURA, JT Dopamine and serotonin are responsible for locomotor gait transitions in C. elegans.

NAVARRO, A*; FRAKER, T.L.; DEATON HAYNES, P.D.; SCOBELL, S.K. Effects of AVT manipulation on Syngnathus scovelli: a sex role reversed species

DUNHAM, LA*; WILCZYNSKI, W Arginine vasotocin and social behavior in Anolis carolinensis
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