Session 39

Muscle physiology I

Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 08:00-09:45
Room: 616

Session Chair(s): Kiisa Nishikawa

Session Author(s) Title

SUNDQUIST, L.E.*; DE BURON, I.; MCELROY, E.J. Temperature mediated myoliquefaction: The effect of a myxozoan parasite Kudoa inornata on the spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus)

HOLT, NC*; ABBOTT , EM; AZIZI, E Compliance, activation and the force-length relationship in skeletal muscle

NISHIKAWA, KC*; MONROY, JA; PACE, CM Understanding how motor commands and applied forces interact to determine muscle force output.

YOUNG, B.A.*; MOST, M.G.; DUMAIS, J.; JOHN, N.; LYONS, B.; MACDUFF, A.; REISER, P.J. Multiple perspectives of the functional divisions within the swimming muscles of the Asiatic water monitor (Varanus salvator)

THOMPSON, J.T.*; LAVALVA, S.; CLARICI, D.; MOORE, M. The remarkable properties of the obliquely striated nuchal retractor muscle of squid

HORNER, AM*; MOURADIAN, G; GROGAN, S; ROBERTS, TJ Does advanced age alter in vivo muscle operating length?

FUQUA, R.D.*; PACE, C.M.; JENSEN, D.; MONROY, J.A.; NISHIKAWA, K.C. Residual force enhancement in the extensor digitorum longus muscle: The effect of titin length in activated muscle
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