Session 89

Complimentary session: Honoring John Wingfield 2

Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:30
Room: Salon D

Session Chair(s): Rebecca Calisi-Rodriguez, Rosemary Knapp

Session Author(s) Title

ROSVALL, KA*; PETERSON, MP; BUECHLEIN, A; TANG, H; RUSCH, D; KETTERSON, ED Acute and persistent social challenges elicit widespread shifts in peripheral gene expression without a systemic rise in testosterone

KRAUSE, JS*; MCGUIGAN , MA; WINGFIELD, JC; MEDDLE, SL Changes in glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA expression during the short arctic breeding season in a free living wild song bird the Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow

GOYMANN, W. The comparative environmental and evolutionary endocrinology of black (Centropus grillii) and white-browed coucals (C. superciliosus), two sympatric birds differing in mate competition and parental care patterns

JONES, BC*; BEBUS, S; SCHOECH, SJ Learned anti-predator behavior is impaired by exogenous corticosterone in free-living Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens).

WILLIAMS, TD Exactly when do female birds make their ‘timing of breeding’ decision, and what cues do they use?

CALISI, RM*; DICKENS, MJ; ERNST, DK; BENTLEY, GE Different Lab Environments Are Not the Same Animal: Aspects of Zebra Finch Stress Physiology Depend on Captive Housing Environment

PLACE, N.J.*; JOHNSTON, R.E. Effects of age on selectivity for dominant males in female golden Syrian hamsters

KNAPP, R.*; CURETON II, J.C.; BROUGHTON, R.E. Hormones and parental care in fishes
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