Session 108

Feeding physiology, aging and water and osmotic physiology

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:15-10:15
Room: 410

Session Chair(s): Alex Champagne

Session Author(s) Title

LEE, T.N.*; BUCK, C.L.; BARNES, B.M.; O’BRIEN, D.M. A test of alternative models for increased tissue nitrogen isotope ratios during fasting in hibernating arctic ground squirrels

COPES, L.E.; SCHUTZ, H.; DLUGOSZ, E.M.; ACOSTA, W.; CHAPPELL, M.A.; GARLAND, T.* Effects of voluntary exercise on spontaneous physical activity and food consumption in mice: results from an artificial selection experiment

BOYLES, J.G.*; JOOSTE, E.; RUTHERFORD, R.W.; MCCRACKEN, G.F. Energetic costs of pregnancy for small bats at high latitudes

ALBA, D.M.*; JEYASINGH, P.D.; TOBLER, M. Patterns and ecological implications of intraspecific stoichiometric variation in the livebearing fish, Poecilia mexicana

LANE, S.J.*; FRANKINO, W.A.; ELEKONICH, M.M.; ROBERTS, S.P. The Effects of Age and Lifetime Flight Behavior on Flight Capacity in Drosophila melanogaster

KIRSCHMAN, L.J.*; FRITZ, K.F; WHILES, M.R.; WARNE, R.W. The effects of stress on nutrient stoichiometry in larval amphibians and the resulting influence on ecosystem processes

CHAMPAGNE, AM*; ALLEN, HC; WILLIAMS, JB Seasonal differences in the organization of lipids and water through the stratum corneum of birds

BUJAK, JK*; BOLLINGER, RJ; MADSEN, SS; TIPSMARK, CK Effects of Salinity and Hormone Treatment on Gill Claudin Expression and Localization in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)
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