Session 78

Vertebrate ecology

Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:00-12:00
Room: Salon A

Session Chair(s): Maxine Zylberberg

Session Author(s) Title

ZYLBERBERG, M*; DERRYBERRY, EP; BREUNER, CW; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, EA; CORNELIUS, JM; HAHN, TP Impacts of avian malaria and related parasites on lifetime reproductive success and survivorship of mountain white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha)

OTERO, L.M.; HUEY, R.B.*; GORMAN, G.C A Few Meters Matter: Micro-Landscape Variation in Reproduction and Reproductive Cycling a Tropical Lizard

GRANBERG, R.M.*; PERRY, G.; VERBLE, R.M. Home range size and survival of Texas horned lizard as a function of physical environment

DRIESSENS, T*; VANHOOYDONCK, B; VAN DAMME, R A functional approach to the dewlap in Anolis sagrei

ARCHIE, J.W.*; HOOPER, C. A mechanism for extinction: Recruitment failure in a sky-island population of Sceloporus occidentalis

JANZEN, F.J.*; JERGENSON, A.M.; MILLER, D.A.W.; NEUMAN-LEE, L.A.; WARNER, D.A. Swimming against the tide: resilience of a riverine turtle to extreme environmental events

WILLIAMS, CT*; LANE, JE; HUMPHRIES, MM; MCADAM, AG; BOUTIN, S Reproductive phenology of a food-hoarding mast seed consumer: resource- and density-dependent benefits of early breeding in red squirrels
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