Session 76

Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution

Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:30
Room: 616

Session Chair(s): Evelyn Schwager, Oleg Simakov

Session Author(s) Title

MALISKA, M.; LOWE , E.; WEBER, C.; STOLFI, A.; PEYRIERAS, N.; CHRISTIAEN, L.; BROWN, C.T.; SWALLA, B.J.* Molgulid Ascidians have a Radical Heterochronic Shift in their Metamorphic Gene Network

HWANG, A.E.*; DAVIDSON, B.J. Functional conservation of heart-related enhancers in Ciona intestinalis and Corella inflata

SIMAKOV, O.*; ROKHSAR, D.S.; ARENDT, D. Combining developmental, population, and comparative genomics analyses to study long term evolution of cell types

NULL, RW*; KRUP, AL; SINHA, M; PATEL, NH An Integrative Approach to Dissecting the Nanoscopic Morphogenesis of Structural Color in Butterflies

SAJUTHI, A.; CARRILLO-ZAZUETA, B.; BRONDANSKY, L.; WANG, A.; DUKE, E.; RIVERA, A.S.* Gene expression differences in the sexually dimorphic eyes of Euphilomedes carcharodonta (Ostracoda, Crustacea)
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