List of Symposiums

SICB 2014 Meeting, Austin TX, January 3-7, 2014


List of Sessions

Click on session to view list of presentations

S1 Epigenetics: Molecular Mechanisms Through Organismal Influences
S2 Stress, condition and ornamentation
S3 The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution
S4 Methods and mechanisms in ecoimmunology
S5 Terrestrial Locomotion – Where Do We Stand, Where Are We Going?
S6 A New Organismal Systems Biology: How Animals Walk the Tightrope between Stability and Change
S8 Adaptation or Developmental Constraint? Uniting Evolutionary Theory and Empirical Studies of Phenotypic Plasticity
S7 Parasitic manipulation of host phenotype, or how to make a zombie
S10 Shaking, dripping and drinking: Surface-tension phenomena in organismal biology
S9 The micro and macro of nutrient effects in animal physiology and ecology


Contributed Oral Presentations
PLEN Plenary Session
BART George A. Bartholomew Lecture
BERN Bern Lecture
MOORE Moore Lecture
1 Thermal ecology and physiology 1
2 Coral reef biology
3 Behavioral endocrinology
4 Mechanisms underlying specialized behaviors 1
5 Evolutionary morphology 1
6 Using mathematical robotics to understand swimming
7 Radiations and morphological diversity of fishes
8 DVM/DCB 5 min talks
9 Behavioral ecology: temperature and climate
10 Immunology
11 Thermal ecology and physiology 2
12 Coral reef ecophysiology
14 Mechanisms underlying specialized behaviors 2
15 Evolutionary morphology 2
16 Local adaptation
17 Saltation
18 Behavioral ecology: movement and foraging
19 Macroevolution and paleobiology
20 DEE Huey competition
21 Ocean Acidification and Intertidal Zone Biology
22 DCE Gorbman competition
23 Functional morphology
25 Complementary session to terrestrial locomotion symposium
26 Locomotion and morphology
27 Material properties: design and function
28 Cooperation and group behavior
29 Neurobiology
30 Environmental Endocrinology: A Special Session Honoring John Wingfield 1
31 Molecular evolution
32 DPCB Best student paper compentition 1
33 Color and visual ecology
34 Behavioral ecology: habitat
35 Force and flow
36 Aquatic toxins
37 Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution
38 Neurobiology: Sensory systems I
39 Muscle physiology I
40 Sexual selection and mate choice
41 Novel swimming mechanisms
42 DPCB Best student paper compentition 2
43 Cranial morphology
44 Parental care
45 Scaling
47 Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution
48 Neurobiology: Sensory Systems II
49 Complementary Session to Shaking, dripping and drinking
50 Muscle Physiology II
51 Nervous system development and evolution
52 Sexual Selection – Post copulatory processes
53 Complimentary session: honoring John Wingfield 1
54 Escape and evasive manuevers in flight
55 Evolutionary physiology
56 Cranial Evolution
57 DAB Best Student paper competition
58 Sensory and respiratory physiology 1
59 Human impacts
60 Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution
61 Neurobiology: Motor systems
62 Complementary session: Stress, condition and ornamentation
63 Muscle physiology III
64 Environmental change
65 Environmental endocrinology: A special session honoring John Wingfield 2
66 Adaptation, macrophysiology and freeze tolerance
67 Locomotion, morphology and performance
68 Biophysical ecology
69 Complementary session: Terrestrial locomotion: Where do we stand, where are we going?
70 Life history evolution
71 Sexual signals
72 Complementary session: A new organismal systems biology: How animals walk the tightrope between stability and change
73 Neurobiology of insect flight I
74 Cardiovascular physiology
75 Developmental physiology
76 Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution
77 Complementary session: The micro and macro of nutrient effects in animal physiology and ecology
78 Vertebrate ecology
79 Hypoxia / oxidative stress
80 Swimming manuevers and control
81 Marine larval ecology
82 Morphology and feeding mechanics
83 Signal function
84 Complementary session: A new organismal systems biology: How animals walk the tightrope between stability and change
85 Neurobiology of insect flight 2
86 Microbes and symbiosis
87 Complementary session: The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution
88 Ventilation and gas exchange in organisms and burrows
89 Complimentary session: Honoring John Wingfield 2
90 Thermal and osmotic stress, insect gas exchange
91 Feeding mechanisms and innovations
92 Chemical ecology
93 Complementary session: Terrestrial locomotion symposium
94 Sexual dimorphism
95 Social status and aggression
96 Population genetics
97 Neurobiology: Sensory integration
98 Digestion
99 Developmental regulation and evolution
100 Sensory and respiratory physiology 2
102 Thermal biology: characterizing the environment and thermoregulation
103 Comparative endocrinology 2
104 Wing design
105 Community ecology
106 Reproductive behavior
107 Complementary session: Adaptation or developmental constraint? Uniting evolutionary theory and empirical studies
108 Feeding physiology, aging and water and osmotic physiology
109 Genomics of physiology and structure
110 Locomotion and morphology
111 Complementary session: Parasitic manipulation of host phenotype, or how to make a zombie
112 Locomotion in context
113 Physiological Ecology
114 Stress
115 Shape Diversity
116 Biodiversity
117 Signal evolution
118 Genomics of genetics and speciation
119 Specialized gaits
120 Complementary session: Adaptation or developmental constraint? Uniting evolutionary theory and empirical studies
122 Bipedal locomotion
123 Regulation of vertebrate development
124 Biogeography
125 Complimentary session: Honoring John Wingfield 3
126 Novel analysis of animal flight
127 Behavior: variation and plasticity
128 Life history transitions and evolution
129 Endocrinology of growth and development
130 Evolutionary morphology and phylogenetics
131 Complementary session: Methods and mechanisms in ecoimmunology
132 Environmental toxicology


Contributed Poster Presentations
P3 Poster Session 3
P1 Poster Session 1
P2 Poster Session 2

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