Symposium 63

Immune-based Trade-offs

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Eve Robinson

Session Author(s) Title

Valentini, AL*; Garcia, M; Vargas, R; Steffenson, M Immunological response to leg autotomy in the wolf spider Tigrosa helluo

Peng, WX*; de Cuba, AG; de Boer, WF; Matson, KD To what extent do life history characteristics and other ecological traits predict avian immune defences? A systematic review

Chang van Oordt, DA*; Taff, CC; Ryan, TA; Vitousek, MN Context-based costs of innate immunity? Trade-offs between reproductive effort and bactericidal capacity vary with timing of breeding in a migratory bird

Ranchod, PN*; Weier, D; Steffenson, M The effect of colony relocation on Italian honeybee immunological response

Garcia, M*; Fotinos, E; Steffenson, M Refining assay recipes to measure immunological responses

DeRogatis, AM*; Klasing, KC Evaluation of the trade-off between molt and innate immunity in the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Saenz, V*; Rollins-Smith, L; Hall, EM; Reinert, L; Ohmer, ME; Richards-Zawacki, C Effects of simulated climate warming on the development of immune defenses in juvenile leopard frogs

Names, G*; Schultz, E; Klasing, K Immunological and health correlates of avian malaria infection and resilience in the Hawaii Amakihi (Hemignathus virens)

Lopez-Perez, JE*; Goessling, JM; Meylan , PA Sex-based trade-offs in the innate and acquired immune systems of Sternotherus minor

Bansal, N*; Sit, B; Singh, A; Hegde, T; Dutta, R; Prasad, NG Mating enhances immune function of Drosophila melanogaster populations against bacterial pathogens

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