Symposium 56

Flight Dynamics & Mechanics

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Yang Ding

Session Author(s) Title

Ahmed, I*; Faruque, IA A high speed visual tracking system for analyzing in-flight insect interactions

Jankauski, MA*; Casey, C; Busby, K; Buchmann, S Force production and thoracic vibrations during defensive buzzing in carpenter bees (Xylocopa: apidae)

Swiney, PA*; Hedrick, TL; Gosdin, LR; Bellah, JR; Hopkins, AW; Raghav, V Preliminary analysis of the aerodynamic responses of a red–tailed hawk traversing a vertical gust

Sathe, EA*; Dudley, R Evolutionary diversification of aerial control in the genus Anolis

Najar, N*; Fernandez, L; Clark, C Hummingbird load lifting performance not predicted by top speed in a wind tunnel

Anwar, MZ *; Agrawal, S; Cheng, B; Tobalske, BW; Luo, H Escape maneuvers in calliope hummingbirds with visual feedback removed at varied timings

Baliga, VB*; Dakin, R; Altshuler, DL The influence of lateral and frontal optic flow on flight control in Anna’s hummingbirds

Agrawal, S*; Anwar, Z; Song, J; Hedrick, T; Luo, H; Tobalske, B; Cheng, B Functional modeling of hummingbird musculoskeletal system via optimization-based synthesis of wing skeletal model, motion kinematics and muscle forces

Rader, JA*; Waldrop, LD; Hedrick, TL Does load bearing constrain avian wing morphology?

Krishnan, K; Gurka, R* Aerodynamics and energetics of raptors: a comparative analysis between an owl and a hawk

Fan, XZ*; Swartz, S; Breuer, K Power requirements for flapping flight with heavy and highly articulated wings

Rowley, KM*; Morris, A; Bortoni, A; Young, I; Boerma, D; Breuer, K; Swartz, SM Evidence for a proximal-distal gradient in muscle responses to a wind gust perturbation in the Egyptian fruit bat

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