If you’re an early-career researcher (graduate student or postdoc) interested in fish locomotion and ecophysiology, don’t miss this great opportunity . Friday Harbor Labs (WA, USA) are offering a Fish Swimming course taught by Paolo Domenici, John Steffensen and Jacob Johansen for graduate students and postdocs between July 17 and August 18 2023. For more […]
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The University of Texas at El Paso, College of Science: Department Chair of Biological Sciences
Job position: The College of Science at The University of Texas at El Paso is seeking an innovative leader to serve as Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences. The Chair will join a cross-disciplinary, collaborative, growing department with research activities spanning diverse areas of biology with significant programmatic strengths in ecology and evolutionary biology, and biomedical sciences. […]
University at Albany, State University of New York: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Biological Sciences
The University at Albany, State University of New York, seeks an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Biological Sciences. The new hire will be a member of the UAlbany AI Institute. The successful candidate will provide evidence of expertise in AI and address how AI is integral to their research program. The Department of […]
The University of Arkansas: Graduate Student Positions in Integrative Animal Behavior
The Westerman Lab at the University of Arkansas (the flagship campus in Fayetteville, AR) is seeking PhD students to begin in the Fall of 2023. We study the evolution, ecology, and genetic mechanisms underlying behavioral diversity and plasticity, with a focus on sensory system development and visual learning in butterflies. Our current research topics include […]
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC: Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Developmental Biology
The Department of Biology at Appalachian State University seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor with teaching and research interests in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. We welcome applications from candidates who take cellular, molecular, and/or comparative approaches to understanding stem cell biology, organogenesis, morphogenesis, or tissue regeneration. We have a particular interest in candidates who work with invertebrate animal model […]
Acadia University: Assistant Professor, Tenure Track Stream
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, Position #: 20103 Acadia University is recognized as one of Canada’s premier undergraduate institutions. Academic innovation and a personalized learning environment have garnered the university a reputation for success. Acadia is nestled in the Town of Wolfville, amongst orchards and vineyards in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. A short walk […]
University of Greifswald, Zoological Institute & Museum, Evolutionary Biomechanics: PhD Candidate on the Mechanics of natural spider silk composites.
Application deadline: 31/12/2022 A Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d) (Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in) (65% TV-L 13) position is available in the EU funded project Melding behavioural ecology and biomaterials research to track the evolution of mechanical super-performance of spider silk composites (SuPerSilk) led by Dr Jonas Wolff. The position is fixed to a term of 3 years, starting 15 March 2023 or later. […]
Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology at Clemson University
The Department of Biological Sciences at Clemson University invites applications for a 9-month, renewable, non-tenure track Lecturer or Senior Lecturer position to begin August 15, 2023. We seek a candidate with interest and experience in teaching lecture and lab courses in vertebrate anatomy and physiology, with emphasis on Human Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology, and […]
University of Central Florida: Assistant Professor – Integrative Biologist
The Department of Biology at the University of Central Florida (UCF) invites applications for a 9-month, full-time, tenure-earning assistant professor position, anticipated to begin Fall 2023. We seek an integrative biologist working in aquatic or terrestrial systems with preference for research in eco-immunology, eco-physiology, molecular ecology, or animal neurobiology/neuroethology. The ideal candidate will show potential to […]
University of Central Florida: Assistant Professor – Ecological Modeler
The Department of Biology at the University of Central Florida (UCF) invites applications for a 9-month, full-time, tenure-track assistant professor position, anticipated to begin Fall 2023. We seek an ecological modeler, broadly defined, with research quantifying and synthesizing spatiotemporal ecological patterns and processes across scales in relation to, for example, agroecosystems, behavior, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, climate […]