The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is deeply and firmly committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) as the foundation of sound science and science education. SICB unequivocally condemns recent steps taken by the state of Florida, or any state, that would threaten the integrity of science by weakening DEIJ initiatives and […]
Congratulations SICB 2023 BSP Winners!
Division of Animal Behavior Marlene Zuk Award for best talk: Rebecca Westnick, University of Kentucky Alarm cues alter nursing behavior in aggressive honey bee colonies (Apis Mellifera) Rebecca Westwick is a late-stage PhD candidate at the University of Kentucky advised by Dr. Clare Rittschof. She uses honey bees to study how previous experiences–particularly social experiences […]
A toadally awesome defense system: How do Toads make their poison?
by Lisa Mesrop With their lumpy and warty features, large animated eyes, and soft-padded toes, toads are pretty darn cute. But there is one group of cute and slimy toads you don’t want to kiss. Toads within the family Bufonidae produce a poison cocktail from specialized glands in their skin that is potent enough to […]
Registration is open for SICB 2023!
Register HERE
Integrative Biology Incubator Workshop, Oct. 14th, 2022
Integrative Biology Incubator Workshop October 14th 9-11 AM PDT / 12-2 PM EDT How do plants, animals, fungi and algae solve the same problems differently? What blind spots become apparent in our core biological concepts when we compare and contrast solutions from different biological kingdoms? What do you wish more biologists knew about the kingdom […]
Abstract Submission is open for SICB 2023!
Abstracts are due August 29, 2022 Visit the Meeting Page and Abstract Submission Portal
Gut check: What does our social circle tell us about our environment?
If we have learned anything from the events of the past few years, it is that life can be highly unpredictable. Animals (including people) must integrate lots of – often conflicting – information when deciding how to respond to a chaotic environment. This is a subject that Dr. Jamie Cornelius, a biologist at Oregon State […]
Flex it! Twist it! Roll it! Complex tongue movements during chewing in macaques
By Mateo Rull Garza When people eat and drink, their tongues are busy doing all kinds of wild things, but the exact way tongues move was a complete mystery until 1954. This was when Abd-el-Malek sketched various tongue postures he observed inside the mouth of individuals missing their front teeth. Sixty-eight years later, cutting-edge, three-dimensional, […]
In honor of Women’s History Month, meet some inspiring SICB women!
In honor of Women’s History Month, meet some inspiring SICB women we’ve profiled over the past few years, and learn about their work! Dr. Anusha Shankar – profiled by ICB blogger Etti Cooper Hummingbirds are familiar fauna throughout the Americas; as charismatic and elegant as they are tiny, they often stop for a meal at […]
In Memoriam: Walter Bock
Walter J. Bock (20 Nov. 1933—27 Jan. 2022) was a prominent and well-known presence at American, European, and international conferences in ornithology and evolutionary biology and an appreciated and respected colleague and mentor to established and aspiring ornithologists. At the time of his death, Walter Bock was a Professor emeritus in the Dept. of Biological […]