Effects of male quality and territory quality on female preference of varying condition

Meeting Abstract 144-2  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:00 – 14:15  Effects of male quality and territory quality on female preference of varying condition CIRINO, LA*; MILLER, CW; Univ. of Florida; Univ. of Florida lacirino@ufl.edu http://www.millerlab.net Females make decisions about mates based on both direct and indirect benefits, including mate and territory quality, respectively. Female preference may change depending […]

Acute Stress is a Target of Intra- and Intersexual Selection in the Green Treefrog, Hyla cinerea Implications for Fitness, Honest Signals, and the Evolution of Endocrine-based Acoustic Armaments

Meeting Abstract 144-6  Sunday, Jan. 8 15:00 – 15:15  Acute Stress is a Target of Intra- and Intersexual Selection in the Green Treefrog, Hyla cinerea: Implications for Fitness, Honest Signals, and the Evolution of Endocrine-based Acoustic Armaments LEARY, CJ*; CROCKER-BUTA, SP; Univ. of Mississippi; Univ. of Mississippi cjleary@olemiss.edu The acute endocrine stress response plays an integral role […]

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