Meeting Abstract 144.5 Monday, Jan. 7 The Effect of Phylogeny on Morphological Characteristics of the Skeleton in Pleuronectiformes BLACK, C.R.*; BERENDZEN, P.B.; Univ. of Northern Iowa; Univ. of Northern Iowa Pleuronectiformes, commonly known as flatfishes, are a highly specialized order of fishes displaying obvious asymmetrical morphology. When flatfish hatch, they are symmetrical. As development continues, one […]
sessions: Session 144
Pattern and Polarity in the Development and Evolution of the Gnathostome Jaw Both Conservation and Heterotopy in the Branchial Arches of the Shark, Scyliorhinus canicula
Meeting Abstract 144.1 Monday, Jan. 7 Pattern and Polarity in the Development and Evolution of the Gnathostome Jaw: Both Conservation and Heterotopy in the Branchial Arches of the Shark, Scyliorhinus canicula DEPEW, M. J.*; COMPAGNUCCI, C.; FISH, J.; DEBIAIS, M.; COOLON, M.; BERTOCCHINI, F.; CASANE, D.; MAZAN, S.; UCSF; KCL; UCSF; CNRS; CNRS; Universidad de Cantabria; Universite […]
Developmental influences on variation and asymmetry of the jaw
Meeting Abstract 144.3 Monday, Jan. 7 Developmental influences on variation and asymmetry of the jaw. FISH, JL*; DEPEW, MJ; MARCUCIO, RS; Univ. of California, San Francisco; Univ. of California, San Francisco; Univ. of California, San Francisco Evo-devo as a discipline seeks to understand how variation is generated in a way that can influence evolution. Variation is […]
Developmental and genetic basis of a morphological novelty in East African cichlids
Meeting Abstract 144.4 Monday, Jan. 7 Developmental and genetic basis of a morphological novelty in East African cichlids CONCANNON, M.R.*; ALBERTSON, R.C.; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst The production of novel phenotypic variation provides new traits on which selection can act and is often associated with expanded ecological opportunity. For this reason the developmental and genetic origins […]
Conservation of primaxial regionalization in the evolution of the snake body form
Meeting Abstract 144.6 Monday, Jan. 7 Conservation of primaxial regionalization in the evolution of the snake body form HEAD, J.J. *; POLLY, P.D.; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Indiana University Shifts and reduction in Hox gene expression domains have been proposed as a primary mechanism in the evolution of the elongate, “deregionalized” axial skeleton of snakes and other […]
A novel transcriptional regulator, lbh, regulates cranial neural crest development and craniofacial evolution in East African cichlids
Meeting Abstract 144.2 Monday, Jan. 7 A novel transcriptional regulator, lbh, regulates cranial neural crest development and craniofacial evolution in East African cichlids POWDER, KE*; ALBERTSON, RC; Univ Massachusetts; Univ Massachusetts East African cichlids exhibit a rapid and extensive adaptive radiation. One major axis of their divergence is trophic specialization, which is reflected in their craniofacial […]
Why Mate with Leaders Direct Benefits Associated with Leader Preference in the Katydid Neoconocephalus ensiger
Meeting Abstract 144-3 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:15 – 14:30 Why Mate with Leaders? Direct Benefits Associated with Leader Preference in the Katydid Neoconocephalus ensiger MURPHY, MA*; SCHUL, J; Salisbury University; University of Missouri Leader preference, a female mating preference for males producing their calls ahead of their neighbors, is common in acoustically communicating insects and anurans. […]
Presentation or Pattern The role of movement in butterfly attraction
Meeting Abstract 144-1 Sunday, Jan. 8 13:45 – 14:00 Presentation or Pattern? The role of movement in butterfly attraction WESTERMAN, E.L.*; LETCHINGER, R.; TENGER-TROLANDER, A.; MASSARDO, D.; KRONFORST, M.; University of Arkansas; University of Chicago; University of Chicago ; University of Chicago ; University of Chicago Female limited polymorphism occurs in multiple species with Batesian […]
Exploring Female Mate Choice for Cognitive Abilities in Budgerigars
Meeting Abstract 144-4 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:30 – 14:45 Exploring Female Mate Choice for Cognitive Abilities in Budgerigars MEDINA-GARCÍA, A*; WRIGHT, T F; New Mexico State University Cognitive processes play a major role in a multitude of behaviors, including foraging behavior, parental care, and predator avoidance. Despite the impacts of cognition on individual fitness, the […]
Effects of operational sex ratio on spatial memory, reproductive success, and neural phenotype in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster)
Meeting Abstract 144-5 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:45 – 15:00 Effects of operational sex ratio on spatial memory, reproductive success, and neural phenotype in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) RICE, MA*; SANIN, G; OPHIR, AG; Cornell University; Georgia State University; Cornell University Intensity of sexual selection is shaped by the operational sex ratio (OSR), which is the relative […]