Meeting Abstract 11.1 Monday, Jan. 4 The effects of limb kinematics on the motion of a legged robot on sand LI, C.; UMBANHOWAR, P.B.; GOLDMAN, D.I.*; Georgia Tech; Northwestern University; Georgia Tech Effective locomotion of organisms and physical models of organisms (robots) can require subtle changes of limb kinematics to achieve high performance on different substrates. […]
sessions: Session 11
No slip locomotion of hatchling Loggerhead Sea turtles on granular media
Meeting Abstract 11.2 Monday, Jan. 4 No slip locomotion of hatchling Loggerhead Sea turtles on granular media MAZOUCHOVA, Nicole*; GRAVISH, Nick; SAVU, Andrei; GOLDMAN, Daniel; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Sea turtle locomotion occurs predominantly in aquatic environments. However, upon hatching, […]
Morphology and the Mechanics of Zebra and Quagga Mussel Movement
Meeting Abstract 11.3 Monday, Jan. 4 Morphology and the Mechanics of Zebra and Quagga Mussel Movement PEYER, S M*; HERMANSON, J C; LEE, C E; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison; Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI; Univ. Wisconsin-Madison While the invasive zebra mussel initially colonized shallow habitats in the Great Lakes, the invasive quagga mussel is becoming the more dominant […]
Locomotion in catfishes are catfishes exapted for walking on land
Meeting Abstract 11.4 Monday, Jan. 4 Locomotion in catfishes: are catfishes exapted for walking on land? PACE, C. M.*; GIBB, A. C.; VAN WASSENBERGH, S.; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; University of Antwerp Walking catfishes are known to move on land; however, key questions about this behavior remain unanswered: (1) how do walking catfish produce […]
Cushioning the blow Foot-substrate interactions in elephants
Meeting Abstract 11.5 Monday, Jan. 4 Cushioning the blow: Foot-substrate interactions in elephants MILLER, C.E.*; REN, L.; HUTCHINSON, J.R.; Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Kings College, University of London; Royal Veterinary College, University of London Although the external features of the elephant’s foot appear relatively simple, the underlying anatomy is far more complex, comprising a […]
Predatory fishes’ impacts on benthic community structure in the San Juan Islands, WA
Meeting Abstract 11.3 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Predatory fishes’ impacts on benthic community structure in the San Juan Islands, WA TURNER, K.R.*; SEBENS, K.P.; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington Predators can play important roles in structuring communities. In marine systems predators may act as keystone species or as the species responsible for triggering trophic cascades. In […]
Locusts prefer nitrogen-poor plants in overgrazed pastures
Meeting Abstract 11.2 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Locusts prefer nitrogen-poor plants in overgrazed pastures CEASE, Arianne*; ELSER, James; HAO, Shuguang; KANG, Le; HARRISON, Jon; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Arizona State University Humans have altered the nitrogen (N) cycle on both global […]
Finding Refuge factors influencing the estuarine distribution of the nemertean egg predator Carcinonemertes errans on its crab host, Cancer magister
Meeting Abstract 11.4 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Finding Refuge: factors influencing the estuarine distribution of the nemertean egg predator Carcinonemertes errans on its crab host, Cancer magister DUNN, Paul H.; University of Oregon The nemertean worm Carcinonemertes errans has been shown to be an egg predator on the Dungeness crab, Cancer magister. Worms feed by crawling into […]
Environmental change and declining resource availability for small mammal communities in the Great Basin
Meeting Abstract 11.5 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Environmental change and declining resource availability for small mammal communities in the Great Basin ROWE, R.J.*; TERRY, R.C.; RICKART, E.A.; University of Utah; Stanford University; University of Utah Impacts of environmental change on biodiversity emphasize species’ traits, including phenologies, geographic distributions and abundances. Responses of higher-level aggregate community or ecosystem […]
Comparative transcriptome analyses of Siboglinid annelids with special interest in mechanisms maintaining symbiosis
Meeting Abstract 11.1 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Comparative transcriptome analyses of Siboglinid annelids with special interest in mechanisms maintaining symbiosis. HALANYCH, KM*; THORNHILL, DJ; SCHANDER, C; FIELMAN, KT; KOCOT, KM; CANNON, JT; SANTOS, SR; Auburn University; Bowdoin College; University of Bergen; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University Siboglinid annelids have fascinated biologists because they are […]