Meeting Abstract
11.1 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Comparative transcriptome analyses of Siboglinid annelids with special interest in mechanisms maintaining symbiosis. HALANYCH, KM*; THORNHILL, DJ; SCHANDER, C; FIELMAN, KT; KOCOT, KM; CANNON, JT; SANTOS, SR; Auburn University; Bowdoin College; University of Bergen; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University; Auburn University ken@auburn.edu
Siboglinid annelids have fascinated biologists because they are obligately dependent on endosymbiotic bacteria for energy. Additionally, major lineages within the group are tightly tied to their environment including hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps, wood falls, whale bones and, more generally, deep sea muds. However, little is known of the actual physiological and cellular mechanisms used to maintain these symbioses. We have employ 454 pyrosequencing technology to explore transcriptomes of the posterior region of the worm that includes the endosymbiont-housing trophosome. In particular, we are comparing across multiple species and major siboglinid lineages to understand if common mechanisms are used to maintain symbiosis in different environmental setting.