The genome of the hydrozoan Podocoryna carnea An emerging resource for comparative biology

Meeting Abstract P3-84  Monday, Jan. 6  The genome of the hydrozoan Podocoryna carnea: An emerging resource for comparative biology CHANG, ES*; TRAVERT, M; SANDERS, SM; KLOMPEN, AML; GONZALEZ, P; BARREIRA, S; MULLIKIN, J; CARTWRIGHT, P; BAXEVANIS, AD; NHGRI/NIH; U. Kansas; U. Pittsburgh; U. Kansas; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; NHGRI/NIH; U.Kansas; NHGRI/NIH Cnidarians provide an excellent opportunity to study […]

The genetics of co-evolved reproductive traits in Drosophila

Meeting Abstract P3-62  Monday, Jan. 6  The genetics of co-evolved reproductive traits in Drosophila AFKHAMI, M*; MASLY, JP; University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK Females in many species follow sensory clues received from males to make reproductive decisions. Although chemical clues (e.g., pheromones, seminal fluid proteins) have been studied extensively, much less […]

The effects of local adaptation and rearing salinity on sustained swimming performance in freshwater estuary dwelling Trinidadian guppies

Meeting Abstract P3-212  Monday, Jan. 6  The effects of local adaptation and rearing salinity on sustained swimming performance in freshwater estuary dwelling Trinidadian guppies ZELLER, KR*; MARSHALL, CA; GHALAMBOR, CK; Colorado State University; Colorado State University; Colorado State University Salinity tolerance is thought to play an important role in defining range limits for many aquatic species. […]

The effects of FMRFamide and APKQYVRFamide on the same isolated crop-gizzards of earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris

Meeting Abstract P3-109  Monday, Jan. 6  The effects of FMRFamide and APKQYVRFamide on the same isolated crop-gizzards of earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris FARMER, L.*; KRAJNIAK, K.; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville The motility of the earthworm crop-gizzard is modulated by several neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Among these molecules are FMRFamide and APKQYVRFAmide. FMRFamide has been found in worms from […]

The effects and quantitation of atrazine in crayfish tissue post-exposure

Meeting Abstract P3-5  Monday, Jan. 6  The effects and quantitation of atrazine in crayfish tissue post-exposure ALMOUSELI, A*; MANZO, V; YACOO, KE; DAYFIELD, DJ; TORRES, VC; EVANS, KR; ROBERTS-KIRCHHOFF, ES; BELANGER, RM; University of Detroit Mercy The herbicide atrazine (ATR) is heavily applied in agricultural areas in the Midwestern United States where its concentration can reach […]

The Upper Jaw of Rorquals Can Act as a Delta Wing for Stability during Lunge Feeding

Meeting Abstract P3-120  Monday, Jan. 6  The Upper Jaw of Rorquals Can Act as a Delta Wing for Stability during Lunge Feeding FISH, FE*; SEGRE, PS; POTVIN, J; GOLDBOGEN, JA; West Chester University; Stanford University; St. Louis University; Stanford University During lunge feeding by rorquals (e.g., blue, humpback, minke whales), the lower jaw is depressed […]

The Role of a Thiamine-degrading Enzyme in Shaping Trophic Ecology of Watersnakes

Meeting Abstract P3-69  Monday, Jan. 6  The Role of a Thiamine-degrading Enzyme in Shaping Trophic Ecology of Watersnakes CHAMBERLAIN, JD; Southern Arkansas University Thiaminase is a relatively understudied protein that is present in a variety of plant and animal tissues including some ferns, bivalves, and fish. While there has been a growing body of work examining […]

The Role of Aromatization in Male Brown Anole Sexual Behavior

Meeting Abstract P3-61  Monday, Jan. 6  The Role of Aromatization in Male Brown Anole Sexual Behavior SOLIS, GM*; HUSAK, JF; University of St. Thomas Brown anole lizards pose a perplexing example of neural steroid regulation in reproductive behavior. While testosterone is perceived to be the crucial steroid in male aggression, the low baseline levels of testosterone […]

The Reproductive Effects of Supplemental Nutrition in an Income-breeding Snake

Meeting Abstract P3-100  Monday, Jan. 6  The Reproductive Effects of Supplemental Nutrition in an Income-breeding Snake OCHS, RA*; CHAMBERLAIN, JD; Southern Arkansas University; Southern Arkansas University Maternal fitness of animals is tightly correlated with allocation of maternal resources to gametes and resulting offspring. Understanding how animals physiologically achieve this allocation process and what are its limitations […]

The Physics of Whale Movement Drag and Thrust Production to Measure Whale Propulsive Efficiency

Meeting Abstract P3-122  Monday, Jan. 6  The Physics of Whale Movement: Drag and Thrust Production to Measure Whale Propulsive Efficiency SMITH, HJ; GOUGH, WT*; SAVOCA, MS; CZAPANSKIY, MF; FISH, FE; POTVIN, J; CADE, DE; BIERLICH, KC; KENNEDY, J; GOLDBOGEN, JA; Southwestern University; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University; West Chester University; Saint Louis University; University of California, […]

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