Meeting Abstract P3-94 Monday, Jan. 6 Transposon Activity and Mutational Impacts in Myotis PAULAT, NS*; MANTHEY, JD; PLATT II, RN; RAY, DA; Texas Tech University, Lubbock; Texas Tech University, Lubbock; Texas Biomedical Research Institute, San Antonio; Texas Tech University, Lubbock Transposable elements (TEs) are DNA sequences that mobilize through copy-and-paste or cut-and-paste mechanisms, expanding within a […]
sessions: Posters Session 3
Transgenerational Effects of Predatory Stress in Pea Aphids
Meeting Abstract P3-74 Monday, Jan. 6 Transgenerational Effects of Predatory Stress in Pea Aphids BAKER, NJ*; GARCIA, L; Austin College; Austin College Predation stress affects the behaviors and distributions of many organisms, as well as their interactions with one another. Pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) are known to increase wing morph formation in generations following lethal predator […]
Transcriptomic signatures of ‘choosy’ vs ‘indecisive’ social preferences in a sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna)
Meeting Abstract P3-181 Monday, Jan. 6 Transcriptomic signatures of ‘choosy’ vs ‘indecisive’ social preferences in a sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) PRICE, S*; SCHUMER, M; WANG, S; CUMMINGS, M; University of Texas at Austin; Stanford University; University of British Columbia; University of Texas at Austin To identify underlying mechanisms of social and mating preferences, transcriptomic expression in […]
Tracking of Labeled Sperm Suggests that Diploid Populations of Sexually Reproducing Lumbriculus Cross Fertilize
Meeting Abstract P3-65 Monday, Jan. 6 Tracking of Labeled Sperm Suggests that Diploid Populations of Sexually Reproducing Lumbriculus Cross Fertilize TWEETEN, KA*; SCOLLICK, JA; St. Catherine University Diploid populations of Lumbriculus we have collected from the littoral regions of lakes and sloughs in the upper Midwest states of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Montana demonstrate a sexual […]
Toxin diversity across the annelid tree of life
Meeting Abstract P3-23 Monday, Jan. 6 Toxin diversity across the annelid tree of life BOGANTES, V.E*; WAITS, D.S; HALANYCH, K.M; Auburn University Annelida is a diverse phylum that includes earthworms, leeches, and many marine worms, and currently comprises approximately 20,000 species described with a variety of different lifestyles. Within annelids, some groups are known to produce […]
Towards the Design of Dynamically Similar Isospectral Isomodal Artificial Insect Wings
Meeting Abstract P3-140 Monday, Jan. 6 Towards the Design of Dynamically Similar Isospectral Isomodal Artificial Insect Wings REID, H E*; ZHOU, H; DENG, J; JANKAUSKI, M; Montana State University; Binghamton University; Binghamton University; Montana State University The morphological and mechanical properties of insect wings have been studied extensively. However, experimental studies on fresh wings are challenging […]
Tissue fracture dynamics govern plastic shape changes in a simple animal
Meeting Abstract P3-146 Monday, Jan. 6 Tissue fracture dynamics govern plastic shape changes in a simple animal PRAKASH, V.N*; BULL, M.S; PRAKASH, M; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University Epithelial tissues usually provide support to organs and embryos, but during development, epithelial tissues can also exhibit a dynamic fluid-like behavior. During morphogenesis, epithelial tissues undergo […]
Thermal Performance of an Exotic Gekkonid and the Effects of n-3 PUFAs on Immunity
Meeting Abstract P3-42 Monday, Jan. 6 Thermal Performance of an Exotic Gekkonid and the Effects of n-3 PUFAs on Immunity DALLAS, JW*; DEUTSCH, M; WARNE, RW; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Environmental temperature is a driving force in ectothermic physiology and is a limiting resource in temperature habitats. We examined the sprint speed and innate immune ability […]
The impacts of body mass on immune cell concentrations in birds
Meeting Abstract P3-41 Monday, Jan. 6 The impacts of body mass on immune cell concentrations in birds CORNELIUS RUHS, E*; MARTIN, LB; DOWNS, CJ; Global and Planetary Health, University of South Florida, FL; Global and Planetary Health, University of South Florida, FL; Department of Env & Forest Biol, SUNY-ESF, NY The impacts of body mass on […]
The hormonal control of anuran ossification sequences
Meeting Abstract P3-28 Monday, Jan. 6 The hormonal control of anuran ossification sequences CHEUNG, JA*; ROSE, CS; James Madison University Amphibians acquire bones postembryonically, over larval growth and metamorphosis. They also show considerable interspecific variation in ossification sequence. Most postembryonic changes in metamorphosing amphibians are mediated by thyroid hormone (TH) and many frogs have developmental patterns […]