“The effects of the developmental environment on telomere length in Alligator mississippiensis hatchlings”

Meeting Abstract P3-202  Monday, Jan. 6  “The effects of the developmental environment on telomere length in Alligator mississippiensis hatchlings” BAE, J*; BERTUCCI, EM; MOORE, JA; BOCK, SL; RAINWATER, TR; HALE, MD; PARROTT, BB; Augusta Univ.; Univ. of Georgia; Benedict College; Univ. of Georgia; Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center; Univ. of Virginia; Univ. of Georgia JBAE@AUGUSTA.EDU The environment that […]

aCGH Detects Copy Number Variation with Similar Resolution to PacBio Sequencing Approaches

Meeting Abstract P3-86  Monday, Jan. 6  aCGH Detects Copy Number Variation with Similar Resolution to PacBio Sequencing Approaches PREISING, GA*; FABER-HAMMOND, J; RENN, SCP; Reed College gabe.preising@gmail.com We aim to address the genomic consequences of adaptive radiation as well as the rapid and repeated speciation in a lineage resulting in extensive ecological diversity. African cichlids present an […]

You Aren’t What You Eat The Impact of Sequence Contamination on Phylogenomics of Blood Flukes (Platyhelminthes; Schistosomatoidea)

Meeting Abstract P3-93  Monday, Jan. 6  You Aren’t What You Eat: The Impact of Sequence Contamination on Phylogenomics of Blood Flukes (Platyhelminthes; Schistosomatoidea) WAITS, DS*; RIBEIRO, R; KOCOT, KM; BULLARD, SA; HALANYCH, KM; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Auburn University, Auburn, AL dsw0002@auburn.edu Sequence contamination occurs regularly in high-throughput […]

Wing Morphing During Avian Flight Induces Changes in Local Wing Stiffness Which Affect Aeroelastic Response

Meeting Abstract P3-143  Monday, Jan. 6  Wing Morphing During Avian Flight Induces Changes in Local Wing Stiffness Which Affect Aeroelastic Response WONG, JCM*; JOSHI, V; JAIMAN, RK; ALTSHULER, DL; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC jwong@zoology.ubc.ca As the variety […]

Western Mosquitofish Social Behavior Varies with Levels of Land Use Conversion

Meeting Abstract P3-176  Monday, Jan. 6  Western Mosquitofish Social Behavior Varies with Levels of Land Use Conversion MOLINA, R*; KOLONIN, A; ASPBURY, A/S; GABOR, C/R; Texas State University; Texas State University; Texas State University; Texas State University rcm116@txstate.edu High urbanization corresponds with an increase of impervious cover, and alters freshwater communities, which can lead to urban stream […]

Ventricular function in American lobsters and Atlantic blue crabs does contractility change with increasing metabolic demand

Meeting Abstract P3-112  Monday, Jan. 6  Ventricular function in American lobsters and Atlantic blue crabs: does contractility change with increasing metabolic demand? HEFELE, KR*; JORGENSEN, DD; Roanoke College, Virginia krhefele@mail.roanoke.edu Lobsters and blue crabs use a single pumping chamber, the heart or ventricle, to push hemolymph into an arterial network in a dynamic way. We are interested […]

Using transcriptomics to identify candidate genes involved in predatory behavior of femme fatale fireflies

Meeting Abstract P3-91  Monday, Jan. 6  Using transcriptomics to identify candidate genes involved in predatory behavior of femme fatale fireflies MCKINLEY, CN*; LOWER, SE; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA cnm006@bucknell.edu Identifying the genetic basis of phenotypic variation within and across species is a key objective of genetic research. With the advent of inexpensive genomic […]

Using buccal cells to estimate DNA damage associated with urbanization

Meeting Abstract P3-8  Monday, Jan. 6  Using buccal cells to estimate DNA damage associated with urbanization SMITH, TR*; MOORE, IT; HERNANDEZ, J; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA taryn97@vt.edu Micronuclei are pieces of chromosomes that separate atypically from the group of chromosomes that aggregate in the nucleus during cell division. These […]

Using STED to measure RNAi induced changes in isoform structure of the titin ortholog, sallimus

Meeting Abstract P3-111  Monday, Jan. 6  Using STED to measure RNAi induced changes in isoform structure of the titin ortholog, sallimus. GOODREAU, JL*; KRANS, JL; Western New England University; Western New England University jordan.goodreau@wne.edu We are interested in structural and functional changes to muscle resulting from RNAi against the sallimus gene, which encodes a giant sarcomere associated […]

Urbanization and parental investment in a free-living songbird

Meeting Abstract P3-29  Monday, Jan. 6  Urbanization and parental investment in a free-living songbird HEPPNER, JJ*; OUYANG, JQ; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno jheppner@nevada.unr.edu As urbanization continues to expand, it is vital to understand how animals cope with increasing environmental changes. The physiological stress response, which results in the secretion of corticosterone (cort), may […]

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