Ultrastructure of Adhesive Papillae on the Buccal Cones of the Pteropod Mollusc Clione limacina Evidence for a Duo-Gland Adhesive System

Meeting Abstract P2-189  Sunday, Jan. 5  Ultrastructure of Adhesive Papillae on the Buccal Cones of the Pteropod Mollusc Clione limacina: Evidence for a Duo-Gland Adhesive System SATTERLIE, RA*; HERMANS, CO; NOREKIAN, TN; University of North Carolina Wilmington; Sonoma State University; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience satterlier@uncw.edu Clione feed on actively-swimming shelled pteropods of the genus Limacina. Clione […]

Trenbolone Half-life and Metabolism in Gambusia

Meeting Abstract P2-67  Sunday, Jan. 5  Trenbolone Half-life and Metabolism in Gambusia WADE, K*; MONCEAUX, C; CLOSE, M; GRUBB, O; STRICKLAND, T; O’BRIEN, S; Radford University ; Radford University ; Radford University ; Radford University ; Radford University ; Radford University Kwade15@radford.edu Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be widespread contaminants in the environment, found in clothing, plastics, pesticides […]

Transgenerational Neurological and Behavioral Effects of Combined Exposure to Crude Oil and Hypoxia

Meeting Abstract P2-121  Sunday, Jan. 5  Transgenerational Neurological and Behavioral Effects of Combined Exposure to Crude Oil and Hypoxia DUNTON, AD*; BAUTISTA, NM; CRESPEL, A; BURGGREN, WW; University of North Texas; University of North Texas; University of North Texas; University of North Texas aliciadunton@my.unt.edu Exposure to crude oil and hypoxia in fishes affects physiological processes and leads […]

Transcriptomics of Haplochromis burtoni parental and fasting behavior reveals extensive differentiation between stocks

Meeting Abstract P2-128  Sunday, Jan. 5  Transcriptomics of Haplochromis burtoni parental and fasting behavior reveals extensive differentiation between stocks FABER-HAMMOND, JJ*; RENN, SCP; Reed College, Portland, OR; Reed College, Portland, OR faberhaj@reed.edu Parental behavior has evolved multiple times in animals. Although it is a costly reproductive strategy for the parents, it increases fitness through a higher survival […]

Transcriptional Response to Acute Thermal Stress in the Red-sided Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis)

Meeting Abstract P2-152  Sunday, Jan. 5  Transcriptional Response to Acute Thermal Stress in the Red-sided Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) HUBERT, D/L*; BENTZ, E/J; MASON, R/T; Oregon State University; Oregon State University; Oregon State University hubertd@oregonstate.edu https://masonlab.science.oregonstate.edu/page/current-graduate-students Red-sided garter snakes are the most northerly living reptile in the western hemisphere. These terrestrial ectotherms experience extreme fluctuations in […]

Three-dimensional Visualization of Harvestman Spermathecae using Confocal Microscopy

Meeting Abstract P2-65  Sunday, Jan. 5  Three-dimensional Visualization of Harvestman Spermathecae using Confocal Microscopy KARACHIWALLA, Z*; DECARVALHO, T; BURNS, M; UMBC, Baltimore, MD; Keith R. Porter Imaging Facility, UMBC, Baltimore, MD; UMBC, Baltimore, MD zkarach1@umbc.edu Confocal laser scanning microscopy is an imaging technique that provides detailed optical sectioning of samples. We used this form of fluorescent microscopy […]

Thermal fluctuations produce ecologically relevant expression profiles for temperature-responsive genes

Meeting Abstract P2-155  Sunday, Jan. 5  Thermal fluctuations produce ecologically relevant expression profiles for temperature-responsive genes MARROQUIN-FLORES , RA*; MORTIMER, NT; PAITZ, RT; BOWDEN, RM; Illinois St U; Illinois St U; Illinois St U; Illinois St U ramarro@ilstu.edu The red-eared slider turtle ( Trachemys scripta elegans ), exhibits temperature-dependent sex determination, where sex-specific genes are produced in […]

Thermal Sensitivity of Bullfrog’s Immune Response Kept at Two Different Temperatures

Meeting Abstract P2-157  Sunday, Jan. 5  Thermal Sensitivity of Bullfrog’s Immune Response Kept at Two Different Temperatures LIMA, AS; FERREIRA, LF; GOMES, FR; TITON, SCM*; University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; University Center Fundação Santo Andre, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, […]

Thermal Ecology in Two Neotropical Frogs with Different Degrees of Terrestriality

Meeting Abstract P2-161  Sunday, Jan. 5  Thermal Ecology in Two Neotropical Frogs with Different Degrees of Terrestriality LISONDRO AROSEMENA, AK*; MENDEZ NARVAEZ, J; Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute astridlizondro23@gmail.com Thermal adaptations and thermoregulatory strategies are used as predictors of physiological performance in ectotherms and may help to understand diversity and distribution patterns. In frogs, […]

The structure and function of feather microstructures related to silent flight in owls

Meeting Abstract P2-33.5  Sunday, Jan. 5  The structure and function of feather microstructures related to silent flight in owls. FEO, TJ*; MATLOFF, LY; CHANG, E; JEFFRIES, L; STOWERS, AK; THOMSON, C; LENTINK, D; Smithsonian Natural History Museum; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University FeoT@si.edu The flight feathers of owls have several notable features […]

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