Meeting Abstract P2-34 Sunday, Jan. 5 XROMM analysis of pectoral girdle motions during locomotion and ventilation in the loggerhead sea turtle KIM, LN*; CAPANO, JG; MAYERL, CJ; BLOB, RW; WYNEKEN, J; BRAINERD, EL; Brown University; Brown University; Northeast Ohio Medical University; Clemson University; Florida Atlantic University; Brown University In turtles, the position of the limb girdles […]
sessions: Posters Session 2
Whole-animal Metabolic Phenotype Before and After a Migratory Flight in the Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata)
Meeting Abstract P2-180 Sunday, Jan. 5 Whole-animal Metabolic Phenotype Before and After a Migratory Flight in the Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) GROOM, DJE*; ELOWE, CE; SLEZACEK, J; GERSON, AR; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Western Ontario; University of Massachusetts, Amherst The pace of avian migration is heavily determined by the time […]
Who can take the heat Microclimates mediate heat tolerance in wasp-caterpillar interactions
Meeting Abstract P2-153 Sunday, Jan. 5 Who can take the heat? Microclimates mediate heat tolerance in wasp-caterpillar interactions SHAH, A/A*; WOODS, H/A; University of Montana; University of Montana A primary goal in ecophysiology is to understand how temperature influences physiological traits, behavior, and species distributions. Although many studies focus on thermal performance of single species, […]
Watch Your Step A Comparison of Digital Morphology Across Ecomorphs in Anolis Lizards
Meeting Abstract P2-183 Sunday, Jan. 5 Watch Your Step: A Comparison of Digital Morphology Across Ecomorphs in Anolis Lizards PAMFILIE, AM*; GARNER, AM; NIEWIAROWSKI, PH; The University of Akron; The University of Akron; The University of Akron Anolis lizards have been heavily studied ecologically for their morphological niche partitioning. These lizards are known to exhibit ecomorphological […]
Vocal Learning in Hybrids How Does Hybridization Affect Call Learning and Learning Biases in Chickadees
Meeting Abstract P2-23 Sunday, Jan. 5 Vocal Learning in Hybrids: How Does Hybridization Affect Call Learning and Learning Biases in Chickadees? SPINELLI, JMC*; HUYNH, AV; RICE, AM; Lehigh University Avian song can have important impacts on speciation, through its contributions to premating reproductive isolation. However, to my knowledge, the potential effects of avian calls on species […]
Using ecological niche modeling to predict the suitable habitat for Trichinella species in cougars (Puma concolor) from Colorado
Meeting Abstract P2-241 Sunday, Jan. 5 Using ecological niche modeling to predict the suitable habitat for Trichinella species in cougars (Puma concolor) from Colorado KOCH, RW*; REICHARD, M; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University Little information exists on the occurrence of Trichinella species in cougars throughout North and South America. However, species distribution models can be […]
Underwater Islands The Influence of Surrounding Sediment on Dropstone Ecology
Meeting Abstract P2-19 Sunday, Jan. 5 Underwater Islands: The Influence of Surrounding Sediment on Dropstone Ecology CANADAY, EJ*; BROTHERS, CJ; SMITH, KE; AMSLER, MO; ARONSON, RB; SINGH, H; MCCLINTOCK, JB; Southern Adventist University; Walla Walla University; University of Exeter; University of Alabama at Birmingham; Florida Institute of Technology; Northeastern University; University of Alabama at Birmingham Dropstones […]
Understanding the sources of variation that contribute to differences in decision making outcomes
Meeting Abstract P2-89 Sunday, Jan. 5 Understanding the sources of variation that contribute to differences in decision making outcomes BURNS, MP*; SALTZ, JB; Rice University; Rice University Understanding why variation in decision making exists is important for informing an overall understanding of behavioral variation. Decision making is involved in many behaviors impacting fitness – such as […]
Understanding the Elastic Efficiency of Biological Springs
Meeting Abstract P2-212 Sunday, Jan. 5 Understanding the Elastic Efficiency of Biological Springs LIN, K*; FEILER, A; CHU, W; GARCIA, N; ILTON, M; Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA; Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA; Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA; Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA; Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA Organisms such as mantis shrimp and trap-jaw ants […]
Understanding Sex and Gender as a Scientist Why It Matters Now More Than Ever
Meeting Abstract P2-63 Sunday, Jan. 5 Understanding Sex and Gender as a Scientist: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever LEWIS, AK; University of Florida As scientists, we aim to be objective in all aspects of our research. We expect the scientific method and scientific practice to make our work objective, but this expectation has […]