Meeting Abstract P1-229 Saturday, Jan. 4 Relating Occlusal Offset to Diet in Piranhas and Pacus BAKARI, KI*; LOMAX, JJ; FARINA, SC; Howard University; Brown University; University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories Serrasalmid fishes, such as carnivorous piranhas and their herbivorous pacu relatives, possess an extensive range of cranial morphologies that are believed to bear strong correlations […]
sessions: Posters Session 1
Regulatory logic of the retinal determination gene network in the starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis
Meeting Abstract P1-106 Saturday, Jan. 4 Regulatory logic of the retinal determination gene network in the starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis MCCULLOCH, KJ*; KOENIG, KM; Harvard University; Harvard University Much of metazoan morphological diversity is due to dynamic expression of transcription factor networks in development. Despite this remarkable diversity, animal development is accomplished by relatively few, […]
Recruitment and Survival of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica when Challenged by the Brown Tide Aureoumbra lagunensis Field Results
Meeting Abstract P1-143 Saturday, Jan. 4 Recruitment and Survival of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica when Challenged by the Brown Tide Aureoumbra lagunensis: Field Results WALTERS, LJ*; PHLIPS, EJ; BADYLAK, S; MCCLENAHAN, G; SACKS, PE; DONNELLY, MJ; University of Central Florida, Orlando; University of Florida, Gainesville; University of Florida, Gainesville; University of Central Florida, Orlando; University of […]
Quantifying the link between cranial morphology and diet in Soricidae using geometric morphometrics
Meeting Abstract P1-193 Saturday, Jan. 4 Quantifying the link between cranial morphology and diet in Soricidae using geometric morphometrics TSE, A*; CALEDE, J; The Ohio State University; The Ohio State University The family Soricidae is one of the most species-rich mammalian families and is present in all major temperate landmasses except Australasia. Although much attention has […]
Quantifying Sexually Selected Traits in the Female Gulf Pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli)
Meeting Abstract P1-66 Saturday, Jan. 4 Quantifying Sexually Selected Traits in the Female Gulf Pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli) TOSTO, NM*; ROSE, E; MASONJONES, HD; University of Tampa, FL; University of Tampa, FL; University of Tampa, FL Reliably quantifying the strength of visual sexual signals, such as iridescence, has been challenging across the field of evolutionary biology. The […]
Puncture performance of the barbs from the Atlantic stingray, Hypanus sabinus and the Bluntnose stingray, Hypanus say
Meeting Abstract P1-217 Saturday, Jan. 4 Puncture performance of the barbs from the Atlantic stingray, Hypanus sabinus and the Bluntnose stingray, Hypanus say SHEA-VANTINE, CS*; KAJIURA, SM; PORTER, ME; GALLOWAY, KA; Florida Atlantic University ; Florida Atlantic University ; Florida Atlantic University ; Florida Atlantic University Many animals have venomous structures for defense against predators, such […]
Primary Cell Culture of Adult Zebrafish Spinal Neurons for Electrophysiological Studies
Meeting Abstract P1-92 Saturday, Jan. 4 Primary Cell Culture of Adult Zebrafish Spinal Neurons for Electrophysiological Studies YEH, S/Y*; MEADE, M/E; ROGINSKY, J/E; SCHULZ, J/R; Occidental College; Occidental College; Occidental College; Occidental College Zebrafish (Danio rerio) have increasingly become a popular organism in biological research fields, especially in neuroscience, as a paradigmatic vertebrate model. The mature […]
Prey Capture Strategy is Correlated with Temporalis Muscle Size in Toothed Whales (Odontoceti)
Meeting Abstract P1-187 Saturday, Jan. 4 Prey Capture Strategy is Correlated with Temporalis Muscle Size in Toothed Whales (Odontoceti) XIONG, D*; CHURCHILL, M; University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, WI; University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, WI Temporalis muscle size is influenced by diet and method of food processing in terrestrial mammals. The correlation between the size of this muscle […]
Predator-mimicking sensory exploitation in the courtship display of Maratus jumping spiders
Meeting Abstract P1-95 Saturday, Jan. 4 Predator-mimicking sensory exploitation in the courtship display of Maratus jumping spiders. HARRIS, OK*; MOREHOUSE, NI; University of Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati Many organisms benefit from innate anti-predator responses. Innate response behaviors can save precious processing time that may mean the difference between capture and escape. Such behaviors are often under […]
Prairies in Pennsylvania Assessing the conservation status of Baptisia australis var australis through natural history and metapopulation lenses
Meeting Abstract P1-132 Saturday, Jan. 4 Prairies in Pennsylvania?: Assessing the conservation status of Baptisia australis var. australis through natural history and metapopulation lenses. MOORE, CL; MCDONNELL, AJ; SCHUETTE, S; MARTINE, CT*; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA; Chicago Botanic Garden ; Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA In Pennsylvania B. australis var. australis […]