Meeting Abstract
In Pennsylvania B. australis var. australis (L.) R. Br. (Fabaceae) is comprised of two metapopulations along four waterways: the Allegheny River, Youghiogheny River, Clarion River, and Red Bank Creek. Despite the location of these watersheds within the greater Ohio River drainage, there is still considerable distance between the metapopulations. Because of its limited distribution and small number of extant populations, B. australis var. australis is considered state-threatened in Pennsylvania. The riparian prairie habitat that Pennsylvania Baptisia australis var. australis is restricted to is also in decline and considered vulnerable in the state. This work carries with it two main objectives: 1) Better understand the ecology and natural history of these metapopulations, including assessment of the status of the species in the state, and 2) Determine the genetic structure of known native populations and how this relates to the spatial structure of subpopulations. This research utilizes tools such as aerial imagery, field surveys, and herbarium collections to examine the natural history of the species. In addition, ddRAD is used to collect population genetic data for use in analyses meant to gain insight into the metapopulation dynamics of this riparian taxon. The research will inform the conservation status of Baptisia australis var. australis in Pennsylvania, and clarify lingering uncertainties about gene flow in riparian plant populations. The project seeks to combine field opportunities surveying rare plants with the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program and genetic work at Bucknell University to answer broader conservation questions.