Symposium 43

Endocrine Stress II

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Jennifer Grindstaff

Session Author(s) Title

Üveges, B; Kalina, C; Szabó, K; Móricz, ÁM; Gabor, CR; Hettyey, A; Bókony, V* Chronic stress influences defensive toxin production in toad tadpoles

Titon, SCM*; Titon Jr, B; Gomes, FR; Assis, VR Short-term stressors and corticosterone treatment effects on toad’s immunity

Fernandez Ajó, AA*; Hunt, KH; Sironi, M; Uhart, M; Rowntree, V; Giese, AC; Marón, CF; DiMartino, M; Dillon, D; Buck, CL Retrospective analysis of the lifetime endocrine response of southern right whale calves to gull wounding and harassment: a baleen hormone approach

Luttbeg, B; Beaty, LE; Ambardar, M; Grindstaff, JL* Mathematical modeling reveals the speed of endocrine flexibility constrains baseline and stress-induced glucocorticoid levels

Zimmer, C*; Hanson , HE; Martin, LB How FKBP5 expression is affected by acute and chronic stress and relates to glucocorticoids levels in house sparrows

Ryan, TA*; Taff, CC; Zimmer, C; Vitousek, MN Temperature-induced priming of the glucose response to subsequent challenges

Angelier, F What happens when the stressor ends? A study of corticosterone in wild Antarctic seabirds

Filzen, RC*; Banday, Z; Greenberg, JT Dynamic Bayesian network models of Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome time series data reveals possible role for HyPRPs in systemic acquired resistance

Riley, AK*; Grindstaff, JL The effects of paternal deprivation on stress-induced corticosterone levels of zebra finch offspring

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