Symposium 31

Conservation Biology

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Melissa Bernhard

Session Author(s) Title

Ruhl, NA*; Ruggiero, DA; Iuliucci, SC; Rollo, FA; Grove, MW; Richmond, CE Water quality determinants of the density of zooplankton subsidies from polymictic reservoirs to streams

Danziger, AM*; Frederich, M Can eDNA be used to estimate biomass? A Case Study for Using Carcinus maenas

Nazarian, LA*; Bukovich, IMG; Currylow, AF; Josimovich, JJ; Robinson, CJ; Nafus, MG; Yackel Adams, AA; Parker, MR Testing the role of hormone-driven chemical signals in Burmese python trailing behavior

Galbraith, E*; Santamaria, C; Hoffman, M; Gainsbury, A Environmental DNA detection method from soil samples for Eastern Indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi)

Chinn, SM*; Kilgo, JC; Vukovich, M; Beasley, JC Intrinsic effects on neonate survival of an invasive large mammal

Jacobs, G*; Shenoy, K; Srinivasan, M; Cooper, R Social interactions of intraspecies pairs of Australian crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus and interspecies pairs of Louisiana red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii: Invasive species alert

Fournier, CS*; Hart, JA; Hart, TB; Detwiler, KM Assessing the impact of hunting on the vertebrate community and the lesula monkey (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) in the Lomami National Park and buffer zone, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Hartwick, M*; Reichmuth, C; Thometz, N Using physiological measures of captive seals to inform best practices of rapid body condition assessments of wild Arctic seals

Mazzarella, KT*; Bernhard, MC To cage or not to cage? Effectiveness of caging sea turtle nests on Gulf of Mexico beaches

Bernhard, MC*; Hirsch, SE; Perrault, JP; Lasala, JA Impacts of a geotextile container on loggerhead sea turtle nesting in the Gulf of Mexico

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