Symposium 104

Suckling, Swallowing & Chewing

Day: Sat Jan 2
Organizer(s): Francois Gould

Session Author(s) Title

Mayerl, CJ*; Steer, KE; Chava, AM; Bond, LE; Edmonds, CE; Gould, FDH; Stricklen, BM; Hieronymous, TL; Vinyard, CJ; German, RZ Hyoid movements are correlated with contractile patterns of the hyoid musculature during infant feeding

Gould, FDH*; Lammers, AR; Mayerl, CM; German, RZ Heterogeneity of variance partitioning between kinematics and electromyography (EMG) of swallowing following nerve lesion in pigs

Edmonds, CE*; German, RZ; Gould, FDH; Steer, KE; Adjerid, K; Bond, LE; Mayerl, CJ Capsaicin improves swallow safety during infant feeding

Montuelle, SJ*; Olson, R; Gerstner, G; Curtis, H; Williams, SH Time-shifting correlations in jaw-tongue coordination during feeding in pigs

Olson, RA*; Montuelle, SJ; Curtis, H; Williams, SH Sucking and lapping in mammals: a false dichotomy?

Laurence-Chasen, JD*; Arce-McShane, FI; Hatsopoulos, NG; Ross, CF The effect of oral anesthesia on jaw and tongue kinematics during feeding in Macaca mulatta

Stilson, KT*; Li, P; Laurence-Chasen, JD; Olson, S; Luo, Z; Ross, CF The role of inferior alveolar nerve afferents in control of jaw kinematics in Didelphis virginiana

Adjerid, K*; Mayerl, CJ; Gould, FDH; Edmonds, CE; Steer, KE; Bond, LE; German, RZ How do different feeding delivery parameters affect swallowing behavior in infant pigs?

Beery, SM*; Chubb, E; Olson, R; Montuelle, SJ; Curtis, H; Williams, SH Does sensation within the oral cavity determine occlusal movement and duration?

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