S10 – Melding Modeling and Morphology integrating approaches to understand the evolution of form and function

SICB Annual Meeting 2020
January 3-7, 2020
Austin, TX

Symposium S10: Melding Modeling and Morphology: integrating approaches to understand the evolution of form and function

Biomechanics seeks to understand the form and function of organisms. Researchers have largely taken two tacks toward this goal: observing and modeling representative organisms (inferring form based on function) and quantifying trait diversification and evolutionary constraint (inferring function based on form). This has lead to the development of sophisticated tools on both sides including, but not limited to mathematical and computational modeling on one and geometric morphometrics and phylogenetics on the other. These are powerful approaches, and they have much to offer each other toward understanding evolution and biodiversity of form and function.

The purpose of this symposium is to examine the idea of studying the evolution of functional structures using mixed methods of classic biomechanics, together with computational and mathematical modeling, all in a phylogenetic framework. The symposium means to bring together speakers with backgrounds in both approaches, and to promote ideas by speakers who have worked to develop methods to bring both sides together.

Further, we plan to bring researchers on both sides together by:

  • inviting symposium speakers from different backgrounds (modeling and morphometrics) interested in tackling the divide
  • inviting a variety of speakers to participate in complementary sessions grouped by similar problems instead of by methodology
  • hosting a SICB-wide social event/workshop to encourage new connections and collaborations
  • funding travel for first-time SICB student attendees to provide networking opportunities and encourage new collaborations

Sponsors: SICB Co-Sponsoring Divisions DCB, DEDB, DPCB, DVM; TCS


  • Lindsay Waldrop
  • Jonathan Rader


S10-0 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 07:45 WALDROP, LD*; RADER, JA:

Introduction to Melding Modeling and Morphology

S10-1 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:00 HEBDON, N*; RITTERBUSH, KA:

Seeing Spirals: Evaluating the hydrodynamic effect of changes in spiraling morphology of ammonoids

S10-2 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:30 ANDERSON, PSL:

Keep It Simple Stupid: Using simple models to explore how physical laws influence the evolution of biomechanical systems across clades

S10-3 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 09:00 BATTISTA, NA:

Fluid-structure interaction for the people!

S10-4 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 10:00 DAKIN, R*; SEGRE, PS; BERBERI, I; ALTSHULER, DL:

Multilevel analysis of maneuvering performance and morphology in hummingbirds

S10-5 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 10:30 HOLZMAN, R*; OLSSON, K:

Using performance landscapes to understand adaptive diversification within fishes

S10-6 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 11:00 MUNOZ, MM*; ANDERSON, PSL; HU, Y; PATEK, SN; CAMARILLO, H:

How Predictable and Correlated are Patterns of Form-Function Evolution?

S10-7 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:00 POLLY, P.D.:

The landscape of adaptive landscapes: trade-offs between performance surfaces in space and time

S10-8 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30 RADER, JA*; MOHAMMADI, S; HEDRICK, TL; WALDROP, LD:

Modeling diversification and constraint in avian wing morphology


What’s in a vein? Using computational tools to explore wing diversity and functional consequences of venation patterns on hemodynamics

S10-10 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 14:30 WALDROP, LD*; MOHAMMADI, S; RADER, JA; HE, Y:

Using uncertainty quantification to infer physical constraints on the evolution of fluid-structure functional systems

S10-11 Tuesday, Jan. 7, 15:00 WOMACK, MC:

Disentangling intrinsic and extrinsic factors underlying anuran postcranial skeleton evolution

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