Session 102

Complementary to S5: Stress Phenotype: Linking Molecular, Cellular and Physiological Responses to Fitness, III

Day: Sunday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:15
Room: 20

Organizer(s): Ben Dantzer

Session Author(s) Title

BENOWITZ-FREDERICKS, ZM*; CAINE, PB; MALISCH, JL; EDWARDS, KM; FARMER, JL; HAUSSMANN, MF; HATCH, SA Acute Administration of Exogenous Corticosterone in Seabird Chicks Rapidly Mobilizes Lipids but not Glucose

TANNER, RL*; GLEASON, LU; DOWD, WW Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of inter-individual variation among intertidal mussels

WOLF, SE*; BELTRAN, SE; SANDERS, TL; ROSVALL, KA When mom takes a sick day: sex-specific telomere dynamics in response to early postnatal stress

GUINDRE-PARKER, S*; MCADAM, A; BOUTIN, S; HUMPHRIES, M; LANE, J; COLTMAN, D; DANTZER, B Do glucocorticoid hormones respond to selection in free-living North American red squirrels?

TEETS, NM*; KAWARASAKI, Y; POTTS, LJ; GANTZ, JD; PHILIP, DP; DENLINGER, DL; LEE, RE Rapid Cold Hardening Provides Sublethal Benefits in an Antarctic Extremophilic Insect

ZIMMER, C*; ROSVALL, KA; ARDIA, DR; TAYLOR, AR; BENTZ, AB; TAFF, CC; VITOUSEK, MN Differential MR and GR Expression in the Tree Swallow Brain is Associated with Individual Variation in Stress Physiology

SMALL, TW*; BRIDGE, ES; BEBUS, SE; SCHOECH, SJ Free-living, lower stress-responsive Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) perform better on an associative learning test
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