List of Sessions

SICB Annual Meeting 2018
January 3-7
San Francisco, SF

Click on session to view list of presentations

S1 From Small and Squishy to Big and Armored: Genomic, Ecological and Paleontological Insights into the Early Evolution of Animals Organizer(s): Erik Sperling, Kevin Kocot
S2 The Scale of Sickness: How Immune Variation Across SpaceThe scale of sickness: how immune variation across space and species affects infectious disease dynamics and Species Affects Infectious Disease Dynamics Organizer(s): Daniel Becker, Cynthia Downs
S3 Playing with Power: Mechanisms of Energy Flow in Organismal Movement Organizer(s): Jeffery Olberding, Michael Rosario, Stephen Deban
S4 Science Through Narrative: Engaging Broad Audiences Organizer(s): Sara Elshafie, Stuart Sumida
S5 Sensory Feedback and Animal Locomotion: Perspectives from Biology and Biorobotics Organizer(s): Brett Aiello, Jessica Fox
S6 Understanding the Evolution of Endocrine System Variation through Large-scale Comparative Analyses Organizer(s): Maren Vitousek, Michele Johnson
S7 Science in the Public Eye: Leveraging Partnerships Organizer(s): Martha Merson, Nick Hristov
S8 Integrative Biology of Sensory Hair Cells Organizer(s): Duane McPherson, Billie Swalla
S9 Inside the Black Box: The Mitochondrial Basis of Life-history Variation and Animal Performance Organizer(s): Karine Salin, Wendy Hood
S10 Behavioral and Physiological Adaptation to Urban Environments Organizer(s): Jenny Ouyang, Davide Dominoni
S11 Measuring Biodiversity and Extinction: Present and Past Organizer(s): Julia Sigwart


Contributed Oral Presentations
PLENARY Plenary Session
BART George A. Bartholomew Lecture
BERN Howard Bern Lecture
MOORE Moore Lecture
1 Acoustic Communication Session Chair(s): Scott MacDougall-Shackleton
2 DEE Best Student Paper: Huey Award Session Chair(s): Robert Cox
3 Predator/Prey 1 Session Chair(s): David Cade
4 Where’s My Partner? Coral Reef Biology Session Chair(s): Rachel Wright
5 Biomaterials: Aquatic Session Chair(s): Tobin Hieronymus, Petra Ditsche
6 Feeding: Bites and Strikes Session Chair(s): Jose Iriarte-Diaz, Andrew Clark
7 Sensory Biology: Receptors and the Molecular Machinery Session Chair(s): Nathan Morehouse
8 Genomics Session Chair(s): Aide Macias-Munoz
9 Temperature-Oxygen Relationships & Critical Thermal Limits Session Chair(s): Erin Brandt, Janet Genz
10 Complementary to S5: Sensory Feedback and Animal Locomotion: Perspectives from Biology and Biorobotics, Part 1 Session Chair(s): Brad Dickerson, Eatai Roth
11 Complementary to S8: Multifunctional Structures and Multistructural Functions: Functional Coupling and Integration in the Evolution of Biomechanical Systems Session Chair(s): Nicholas Gidmark, Anthony Lapsansky
12 Locomotion: Snaking Around Session Chair(s): Phillip Bergmann, Sean Gart
13 DNNSB Best Student Paper Session Chair(s): Mike Baltzley
14 Parental Behavior Session Chair(s): Kathleen Lynch
15 Breaking Bleachin – Coral Reef Biology Session Chair(s): Shayle Matsuda
16 Development and Behavior Session Chair(s): Erica Westerman
17 Biophysical Ecology Session Chair(s): Arianne Cease, Alex Gunderson
18 Macroevolution Session Chair(s): Francesco Santini, Jonathan Chang
19 Visual Signals Session Chair(s): Nate Morehouse
20 Comparative Genomics Session Chair(s): Kenneth Halanych
21 Complementary to S4: Science Through Narrative: Engaging Broad Audiences Session Chair(s): Eugenia Gold, Justice Morath
22 Complementary to S5: Sensory Feedback and Animal Locomotion: Perspectives from Biology and Biorobotics, Part 2 Session Chair(s): Tom Daniel, Daisuke Takagi
23 Comparative Stress Endocrinology Session Chair(s): Scott MacDougall-Shackleton, Christine Lattin
24 Division of Vertebrate Morphology Best Student Presentations
25 Morphology: Unlocking the Vault Session Chair(s): Bonnie Kircher, Duncan Irschick
26 Let’s get Physical-Biophysical Ecology Session Chair(s): Alex Gunderson
27 DEDE Best Student Presentations Session Chair(s): Travis Wilcoxen
28 Partners for Life-Symbiosis Session Chair(s): Miguel Reyes
29 Groovin’ as a Groupie-Population Ecology Session Chair(s): Nathan Senner
30 Feeding in Aquatic Vertebrates Session Chair(s): Aaron Olsen, Emily Kane
31 Neuroethology – Sensorimotor Responses Session Chair(s): Tanvi Deora
32 Best Student Papers – Aubrey Gorbman Award Session Chair(s): Laura Carruth, Sharon Lynn
33 Evolutionary Morphology Session Chair(s): Ian Cost, Teresa Feo
34 Complementary to S5: Sensory Feedback and Animal Locomotion: Perspectives from Biology and Biorobotics, Part 3 Session Chair(s): Eric Tytell, Perrin Schiebe
35 Behavioral Thermoregulation Session Chair(s): Ryan O’Connor, Danielle Levesque
36 Locomotion: From Trees to Ground Session Chair(s): Baxi Zhong, Brooke Quinn
37 Rising Star in Organismal Botany Award Session Chair(s): Stacey Smith
38 Flight: Birds, Bats, and Gliders Session Chair(s): Per Henningsson, Pranav Khandelwal
39 Conservation Biology Session Chair(s): Diana LaScala-Gruenewald
40 Social Behavior and Predator-Prey Interactions Session Chair(s): Roslyn Dakin
41 Parental Care Session Chair(s): Tony Williams
42 Animal Communication: Intrinsic States and Extrinsic Signals Session Chair(s): Greg Pask
43 Complementary to S2: The Scale of Sickness: How Immune Variation Across Space and Species Affects Infectious Disease Dynamics
44 Sharp Bits Session Chair(s): Maya deVries, Lisa Whitenack
45 Behavioral Endocrinology Session Chair(s): Ryan Paitz, Cory Williams
46 Biomaterials: Baggy Skin is the New Black Session Chair(s): Molly Grear, Ted Uyeno
47 Neurobiology and Sensory biology Session Chair(s): James Strother
48 Communication and Cognition Session Chair(s): Tim Wright
49 Division of Comparative Biomechanics: Best Student Paper Award Session Chair(s): Shelia Patek
50 Evo-Devo: From Genotype to Phenotype Session Chair(s): Matthew Rockman, Prashant Sharma
51 Bigger and Better? Endocrine Aspects of Growth and Development Session Chair(s): Kady Lyons, Tracy Langkilde
52 Reproductive and Social Behavior Session Chair(s): Luc Donoyer
53 Behavioral Ecology: Development and Maternal Effects Session Chair(s): Dan Warner
54 Smellin’ and Livin’ Together – Chemical and Community Ecology Session Chair(s): Abigail Cahill
55 Doin’ it with the Dinoflagellates – Coral Reef Biology Session Chair(s): Sarah Davies
56 Host-Pathogen Interactions Session Chair(s): Jamie Voyles, Daniel Becker
57 Population Genetics Session Chair(s): Chris Martin, Elizabeth Henry
58 Vision Session Chair(s): Alexandra Kingston
59 Chemosensory Session Chair(s): Gabby Wolff
60 Complementary to S1: Integrative Plant Biology Session Chair(s): Daniel Stanton
61 Superfast! Power Amplification! Session Chair(s): Benjamin Perlman, Zeynep Temel
62 Host-Parasite Interactions Session Chair(s): Carol Fassbinder-Orth, Henry John-Alder
63 Neuroanatomy Session Chair(s): Ellen Dow
64 Division of Evolutionary Developmental Biology Best Student Presentations Session Chair(s): Julia Bowsher, Yui Suzuki
65 Collective Behavior Session Chair(s): Aaron Corcoran
66 Care for the Planet – Conservation Biology & Community Ecology Session Chair(s): Christopher Howie
67 Terrestrial Locomotion: Walk, Jump and Run Session Chair(s): Clint Collins
68 Climate Change and Communities Session Chair(s): Roger Anderson, Nadejda Mirochnitchenko
69 Population Differentiation Session Chair(s): Joel Havird, Nathan Whelan
70 Swimming with the Fishes Session Chair(s): Anabela Maia, Michael Fath
71 Sensory Biology Session Chair(s): Dan Speiser
72 Complementary to S11: Size & Shape: Ontogenetic Origins of Organismal Form Session Chair(s): Ken McKenna, Austin McKenna
73 Animal Communication Session Chair(s): Talia Moore
74 Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Metabolic Diversity 1 Session Chair(s): Meghan Duell, Erika Eliason
75 Social Behaviors and Predator-Prey Interactions Session Chair(s): Brett Seymoure
76 Terrestrial Locomotion: Gait and Posture Session Chair(s): Michael Granatosky, Krijn Michel
77 Maternal Stress Endocrinology Session Chair(s): Ben Dantzer, Michael Sheriff
78 Complementary to S5: Stress Phenotype: Linking Molecular, Cellular and Physiological Stress Responses to Fitness, I
79 Immune Trade-Offs Session Chair(s): Travis Wilcoxen, Robert Srygley
80 Predator/Prey 2 Session Chair(s): Zach Chejanovski
81 Ventilation & Circulation Session Chair(s): Hunter King, Lindsay Waldropp
82 Life History Evolution Session Chair(s): Lars Schmitz
83 Coral Reef Systems Session Chair(s): Dianna Padilla
84 Conservation Genetics Session Chair(s): Andrew Mohan, Leva Roznere
85 Locomotion on Variable Substrates Session Chair(s): Chen Li
86 Developmental Plasticity Session Chair(s): Billie Swalla, Vivek Prakash
87 Sensory Biology – Active and Environmental Sensing Session Chair(s): Brooke Vetter
88 Ekoehlogical Biomechanics: A Tribute to Mimi Koehl, II Session Chair(s): Tom Daniel
89 Complementary to S6: Beyond the Powerhouse: Integrating Mitonuclear Evolution, Physiology, and Theory in Comparative Biology Session Chair(s): Justin Havird, Geoff Hill
90 Complementary to S5: Stress Phenotype: Linking Molecular, Cellular and Physiological Stress Responses to Fitness, II
91 Meta-Swimming: Greater than the sum of its parts Session Chair(s): Austin Francis Jr.
92 Flies in the Honey Session Chair(s): Bo Cheng
93 Thermobiology of Endotherms Session Chair(s): Anusha Shankar, Donald Powers
94 Plasiticity and Evolution Session Chair(s): Ben Dantzer
95 Reef Communities Session Chair(s): Amanda Kahn, Brendan Cornwell
96 Neurobiology & Anatomy Session Chair(s): Mark Willis
97 Bird Flight: Wing Morphing and More Session Chair(s): Anthony Lapsansky, Laura Matloff
98 Ecomorphology: Locomotion Session Chair(s): Natasha Mhatre, Aja Carter
99 Rhythm and Behavior Session Chair(s): James Newcomb
100 Muscle Physiology Session Chair(s): Jennifer Dearolf, Anthony Hessel
101 Complementary to S6: Beyond the Powerhouse: Integrating Mitonuclear Evolution, Physiology, and Theory in Comparative Biology
102 Complementary to S5: Stress Phenotype: Linking Molecular, Cellular and Physiological Responses to Fitness, III
103 Evolution of Developmental Processes Session Chair(s): Christine Bohmer, Mihaela Pavlicev
104 Complementary to S11: Measuring Biodiversity and Extinction – Present and Past Session Chair(s): Elizabeth Sibert, Francesca Leas
105 Comparative Endocrinology Session Chair(s): Diana Hews, Bobby Fokidis
106 Reproductive Physiology Session Chair(s): Sherry Tamone, Ned Place
107 Larval Ecology Session Chair(s): Bruno Pernet
108 Neuroethology – State-Dependence and Neurobiology Session Chair(s): Megan Gall
109 Neuroethology Session Chair(s): Lisa Mangiamele
110 Bioindicators and Pollution Session Chair(s): Melanie Guigueno
111 Metamorphosis and Regeneration Session Chair(s): Brian Nedved
112 Livin’ the Vida Larvae – Larval Ecology Session Chair(s): Kit Yu Karen Chan
113 Genetics of Adaptation Session Chair(s): Michael Logan
114 Sexual Selection and Reproductive Behavior
115 Developmental Endocrinology Session Chair(s): A. Kelsey Lewis, Kyle Selcer
116 Bird Morphology Session Chair(s): Alida Bailleul, Ashley Heers
117 You Should Chew Your Own Food Session Chair(s): Mark Westneat
118 Muscle and Tendon Session Chair(s): Michael Rosario, Danielle Adams
119 Sexual Dimorphism and Sexual Selection Session Chair(s): Christine Miller
120 Evolutionary Physiology – Oxygen Session Chair(s): Lars Tomanek
121 Scaling and Other Complexities of Metabolic Rate Estimation Session Chair(s): Marshall McCue, Tricia Neptune
122 Awesome Biomechanics: From Righting to Fighting Session Chair(s): Mary Stoddard
123 You Are What You Eat – Bioindicators Session Chair(s): Jackson Johnstone
124 Finding the Way, Finding Home Session Chair(s): Guy Levy
125 Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Metabolic Diversity 2 Session Chair(s): Eric Riddell
126 Species and Speciation Session Chair(s): Sabrina Pankey, Brian Counterman
127 Symbiotic Relationships Session Chair(s): Brendan Cornwell
128 Complementary to Symposium S9: Inside the Black Box: The Mitochondrial Basis of Life-History Variation and Animal Performance Session Chair(s): Antonine Stier, Yufeng Zhang
129 Fluids: Low Reynolds Number Session Chair(s): Arvind Santhanakrishnan, Olaf Ellers
130 Sexual Selection Session Chair(s): Alejandro Rico-Guevara
131 Evolutionary Physiology Session Chair(s): Teri Orr
132 Dynamics of Predator-Prey Interactions Session Chair(s): Ashley Peterson
133 Immune Trade-Offs Session Chair(s): Michael Butler, Franziska Sandmeier
134 Aquatic Locomotion: It is a Fluke Session Chair(s): Christopher Mayerl, Frank Fish
135 Complementary to S2: Spatial Scale and Structural Heterogeneity in Skeletal Muscle Performance: Less Than a Cell to Behavior Session Chair(s): Chris Tijs, Nikolai Konow
136 Complementary to S7: Comparative Evolutionary Morphology and Biomechanics in the Era of Big Data Session Chair(s): Anne-Claire Fabre, Ryan Felice
137 Character Development and Evolution Session Chair(s): Jeanne Serb, Eric Erkenbrack
138 Filter Feeding Session Chair(s): Kakani Katija
139 Body Size, Ontogeny and Scaling Session Chair(s): Bryan Helm, Kelsey James
140 Osmotic Stress and Ionic Regulation Session Chair(s): Jehan-Herve Lignot, Shelly McCain
141 Evolution of Behavior Session Chair(s): Callin Switzer
142 Evo: Eco-Morpho Session Chair(s): Kristy MacLeod


Contributed Poster Presentations
P1 Poster Session 1
P2 Poster Session 2
P3 Poster Session 3

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