Session 95

Reef Communities

Day: Saturday, Jan. 6, 10:15-12:00
Room: Golden Gate C-2

Organizer(s): Amanda Kahn, Brendan Cornwell

Session Author(s) Title

WEINNIG , A.M. *; DEEGAN , D.F.; CORDES , E.E. Physiological Response of a Cold-Water Coral (Lophelia pertusa) to the Combined Stressors of Climate Change and Hydrocarbon Influence

ARMSTRONG, EJ*; HILL, RW; ROA, JN; TRESGUERRES, M; STILLMAN, JH; INABA, K; MORITA, M Acid Secretion in Giant Clams Facilitates Burrowing Into Coral Reefs

HUFFMYER, AS*; GATES, RD Thermal Conditioning and Heterotrophic Feeding Enhances Resilience in Juvenile Corals

KAHN, AS*; MATVEEV, E; LAW, LK; YAHEL, G; LEYS, SP The Role of Biodiversity in Benthic-Pelagic Coupling by Glass Sponge Reefs

COLLIN, R*; DRISKELL, AC; VENERA-PONTóN, DE; BOYLE, MJ Larval Barcoding of “Minor” Metazoan Phyla in Mega-Diverse Tropical Oceans

PADILLA, DK*; VOLKENBORN, N; GURR, S; MILKE, L; MESECK, S; RUGILA, A; REDMAN, D; DIXON, M; VEILLEUX, D; LIGUORI, A; ROSA, M Population Differences In Response To Ocean Acidification In Blue Mussels
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