Session 66

Care for the Planet – Conservation Biology & Community Ecology

Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 13:30-15:15
Room: 21

Organizer(s): Christopher Howie

Session Author(s) Title

LASALA, JA*; HUGHES, C; WYNEKEN, J; LASALA, Jacob Potential for marine turtle promiscuity to counteract extreme environmental effects

LIOTTA, MN*; ABBOTT, JK; RIOS-CARDENAS, O; MORRIS, MR Tactical Dimorphism as a Potential Indicator of Intralocus Tactical Conflict in the Swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus

POORBOY, D.M.*; BOWERS, E.K.; BOWDEN, R.M.; SAKALUK, S.K.; THOMPSON, C.F. Effects of territory quality on reproductive allocation in female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon)

BECK, M. L.*; AҪKAY, C; SEWALL, K. B. An Experimental Manipulation of Badge Size in Song Sparrows: Consequences for Male Aggression and Hormone Profiles in Urban and Rural Habitats

AUSTIN, M*; ITURRALDE, P; WEST, K; DUNLAP, A The Best Laid Plans: Testing the Generality of Experimentally Evolved Oviposition Preference

WRIGHT, CM*; TIBBETTS, EA; PRUITT, JN Exploring the effects of queen personality on fitness and colony success in paper wasps

ISHIMATSU, A; MAI, VH; MARTIN, KLM* Patterns of Fish Reproduction at the Interface Between Water and Air
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