Session 32

Evolutionary Physiology II
Energetics and Hormones

Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 1:00-3:00 pm
Room: 102C

Session Chair(s): Tamara Frank

Session Author(s) Title

SZAFRANSKA, Paulina A.*; ZUB, Karol; KONARZEWSKI, Marek; SPEAKMAN, John R. Seasonal variation in Resting Metabolic Rates (RMR) and Daily Energy Expenditures (DEE)

ROBERT, K.A*; BRONIKOWSKI, A.M Testing the “free radical theory of aging” hypothesis: physiological differences in long lived and short lived Colubrid snakes

MALISCH, J.L.**; GOMES, F.; BREUNER, C.W.; GARLAND, JR., T. Circadian Pattern of Plasma Corticosterone and Binding Globulins in Mice Selectively Bred for High Activity Levels

COX, Robert M*; MUNOZ-GARCIA, Agusti; JURKOWITZ, Marianne; WILLIAMS, Joseph B β-Glucocerebrosidase activity in stratum corneum of House Sparrows following acclimation to high or low humidity

FRANK, T.M. Are there physiological differences between the photoreceptors of juvenile and adult ontogenetic migrators?

KHODABANDEH, Saber*; SHAHRIARI MOGHADDAM, Mohsen; ABTAHI, Behroz Na+,K+-ATPase immunolocalization, activity and gene expression in Mugil auratus fry gills: after acclimated to artificial salinities
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