P: Global Climate Change and Land-Use Change Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Isaac VanDiest Session Author(s) Title P23 Nenstiel, R*; Donahoe, C; Hranitz, JM; Surmacz, C Assessing sublethal stress in honeybees exposed to “bee-friendly” neonicotinoid and pyrethroid pesticides P23 Schoenfeldt, A*; Stack Whitney, K Assessing road traffic and roadside mowing levels on pollinator habitat quality […]
Archives: Meetings
Symposium P22
P: Foraging Behavior Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Amanda Puitiza Session Author(s) Title P22 Kleckner, K*; Zlotnik, S; Miller, CW Behavioral strategies of juveniles: Attraction to adult feeding cues P22 Ricker, TA*; Zlotnik, S; Miller, CW Juveniles do not use adult feeding sites in the leaf-footed bug, Narnia femorata P22 Hamant, EL*; Frakes, JI; Woods, […]
Symposium P21
P: Feeding Biomechanics Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Jonathan Cowart Session Author(s) Title P21 Akinrinade, AO*; Jensen, JS Relationship between diet and gill raker morphology in Surfperches (Embiotocidae) P21 Cohen, KE*; Komann, MA Differences in the histological composition of piranha and pacu lips are consequences of prey manipulation tactics P21 Ortega-Jimenez, VM*; Seleb, BR; Wilson, […]
Symposium P20
P: Evolutionary Physiology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): James Harper Session Author(s) Title P20 Gadey, L*; Dowle, EJ; Powell, TH; Nguyen, A; Papadopoulos, NT; Hahn, DA; Ragland, GJ A remarkably consistent life history trait with a remarkably inconsistent developmental basis: lack of evolutionary conservation of transcriptomic trajectories during tephritid fly diapause P20 Yap, KN*; Wong, […]
Symposium P2
P: DEE Best Student Paper: Huey Award Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Cameron Ghalambor, Christine Miller Session Author(s) Title P2 Zuelow, AN*; Burnaford, JL Impacts of Egregia menziesii, a foundational alga, on intertidal communities in S. California and N. Washington P2 Olivares-Zambrano, D*; Aguilar, A ; Hyde, J Finding the right home: Depth as a […]
Symposium P19
P: Evolutionary Morphology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Anthony Lapsanky Session Author(s) Title P19 Knapp, A*; Rangel, G; Johanson, Z; Giles, S; Friedman, M; Goswami, A How to tuna fish: Drivers of diversity in Pelagiaria (tunas, mackerels and their kin) P19 Williams, KL*; Hundt, PJ; Keogh, SM; Simons, AM Re-thinking modes of teleost tooth replacement […]
Symposium P18
P: Evolutionary Ecology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Nick Barts Session Author(s) Title P18 Beech, ARF*; Berejka , BW; Smith, EB; Liu, Y; Tsunekage, T; Levin, II Effect of lay order and breeding site on eggshell maculation and egg size in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) P18 Gomez, A*; Wang, X; Rodriguez-Santiago, M; Boughman, JW; […]
Symposium P17
P: Evolutionary Developmental Genetics Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Karen Crawford Session Author(s) Title P17 Camacho-Avila, AC*; Rogers, CD Species-specific roles of Sox10 in the neural crest gene regulatory network P17 Negron-Pineiro, LJ*; Di Gregorio, A Cis-regulatory control of stage-specific notochord gene expression by Brachyury P17 Xu, S*; Zhang, P; Jacobs, DK Brachyury evolution and […]
Symposium P16
P: Endocrinology 2 Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Brian Walker Session Author(s) Title P16 Cyrino, JC; Figueiredo, AC; Gomes, FR; Titon, SCM* Modulation of extra-pineal melatonin in response to an immune challenge with LPS in Rhinella icterica toads P16 Wooding, AP*; Kline, BC; Christensen, KR; Keeley, ER; Pradhan, DS Stress in a dynamic environment: How […]
Symposium P15
P: Endocrinology 1 Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Tessa Solomon-Lane Session Author(s) Title P15 Musulman, AM*; Coutts, VM; Wada, H Examining neophobia and startle behavior in response to nutritional stress during development P15 Vignos, AM*; Wilcoxen, TE Cortisol level of redfin shiners (Notropis umbratilis) varies among riparian areas with different land use practices P15 Coutts, […]