Session 55

Population Ecology

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 6, 8:00 AM-Noon
Room: Commonwealth A

Organizer(s): Sarah Berke, Lisa Belden

Session Author(s) Title

KACENAS, S.E.*; PODOLSKY, R.D. Role of Parental Control in the Symbiotic Relationship Between Melanochlamys diomedea Egg Masses and Photosynthetic Algae

DESROCHERS, D.W.*; MCWILLIAMS, S.R.; SILBERNAGLE, M.D.; REED, J.M. Do energy and nutritional value of food influence Hawaiian Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis) abundance?

LAFLEUR, N.**; MEROW, C.; RUBEGA, M.; SILANDER, J. Predicting the rate of spread for a bird-dispersed invasive plant using simulation modeling

BERKE, Sarah K*; CRUZ, Veronica Sublethal predation in an ecosystem engineering polychaete

BAUMANN, Hannes*; CONOVER, David O Contrasting latitudinal patterns of countergradient growth variation in silverside fishes (Pisces: Atherinidae) from the Pacific vs Atlantic coasts

MOORE, M.S.*; JACKSON, F.R.; TURMELLE, A.S.; PANASUK, B.J.; MENDONCA, M.T.; RUPPRECHT, C.E.; KUNZ, T.H.; MCCRACKEN, G.F. Rabies Exposure, Relative Immune Function and Life-history Traits in the Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus fuscus

TOUCHON, Justin C.*; WARKENTIN, Karen M. Morphological Responses to Abiotic and Biotic Factors: Temperature Effects on Predator-Induced Phenotypes in a Neotropical Treefrog Tadpole

BELDEN, L.K.*; WOJDAK, J.M. Combined impact of parasites and predators on wood frog tadpoles

MURRAY, I.W.*; WOLF, B.O. Exploring the nutritional ecology of the ornate box turtle in New Mexico via stable isotope analyses

PEROTTI, Elizabeth A.*; LINDBERG, David R.; ESTES, James A. A bumpy road: the effects of surface complexity on a dominant intertidal limpet

BARTHELL, J.F.*; CLEMENT, M.L.; WELLS, H.; CROCKER, K.C.; BECKER, E.C.; LEAVITT, K.D.; MCCALL, B.T.; MILLS-NOVOA, M.; WALKER, C.M.; PETANIDOU, T. Foraging Patterns of Bees in Response to Nectar Availability in Populations of the Invasive Thistle Species Centaurea solstitialis L. in Native (Greece) and Non-Native (USA) Island Ecosystems
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