Session 63

Muscle physiology III

Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 13:30-15:00
Room: 616

Session Chair(s): Don Mykles

Session Author(s) Title

ZHANG, Y.*; SWANSON, D. L. Cold and Exercise Training Produce Similar Increases in Maximal Metabolic Output in House Sparrows

MOORE, C.D*; FAHLMAN, A.; MOORE, M.J.; WILLOUGHBY, D.; ROBBINS, K.; TRUMBLE, S.J. Significance of Muscle Fiber Type in Biopsied Elephant Seals

COOPER-MULLIN, C*; JIMENEZ, A.G.; ANTHONY, N. ; WORTMAN, M.; WILLIAMS, J.B. Metabolism of cultured skeletal muscle of Coturnix quail selected for different rates of growth

COSENZA, K. S.*; KIM, K. S.; CHANG, E. S.; MYKLES, D. L. Effect of molting hormones (ecdysteroids) on myostatin and mTOR expression in skeletal muscle and limb regenerates in the blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis

GOY SIRSAT, S.K.*; SIRSAT, T.S.; SOTHERLAND, P.R.; DZIALOWSKI, E.M. Development of Endothermy in the Altricial Red-Wing Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)

SWANSON, DL*; KING, MO; HARMON, E Seasonal Variation in Pectoralis Muscle Myostatin and TLL in Small Birds: A Regulatory Role for Seasonal Phenotypes?
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