Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Gliding North Atlantic Right Whale Models with Variable Body Shapes

Meeting Abstract 132-7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Gliding North Atlantic Right Whale Models with Variable Body Shapes WU, C*; HOWLE, LE; MCGREGOR, AE; MCGREGOR, R; NOWACEK, DP; Marine Science and Conservation, Duke University; Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University; School of Life Sciences, University of Glasgow; HiDef Aerial Surveying […]

A Midwater Polychaete on the Move Swimming of Tomopteris

Meeting Abstract 132-2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  A Midwater Polychaete on the Move: Swimming of Tomopteris DANIELS, J*; OSBORN, K; AOKI, N; HAVASSY, J; MUSHEGIAN, N; KATIJA, K; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA and Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC; Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC; Smithsonian Institution, […]

(Un)synchronized rowing importance of phase lag in metachronal swimming performance

Meeting Abstract 132-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  (Un)synchronized rowing: importance of phase lag in metachronal swimming performance SANTHANAKRISHNAN, A*; FORD, MP; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University Metachronal swimming is a common method of drag-based aquatic locomotion in which a series of swimming appendages are stroked in an oscillatory pattern, such that the […]

Scrounging Versus Learning Strategies in Foraging Songbirds

Meeting Abstract 131-6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  Scrounging Versus Learning Strategies in Foraging Songbirds REICHERT, MS*; KULAHCI, IG; DAVIDSON, GL; QUINN, JL; Oklahoma State University; University College Cork; Cambridge University; University College Cork Cognition is important for foraging because individuals can learn and remember profitable sources of food. However, cognition is not the […]

Foraging choices, learning, and behavior across paths that vary in risk

Meeting Abstract 131-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:45 – 14:00  Foraging choices, learning, and behavior across paths that vary in risk LESSIG, EK*; NONACS, PN; University of California, Los Angeles ; University of California, Los Angeles Cooperatively foraging species often adjust their search strategies in complex environments to efficiently find and exploit food sources. These strategies become […]

Diet Preference and Requirements Shift Substantially with Age in the South American Locust (Schistocerca cancellata)

Meeting Abstract 131-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Diet Preference and Requirements Shift Substantially with Age in the South American Locust (Schistocerca cancellata) TALAL, S*; FARINGTON, R; HARRISON, JF; CEASE, AJ; Arizona State University, Tempe; Arizona State University, Tempe; Arizona State University, Tempe; Arizona State University, Tempe Generalist feeders often behaviorally regulate their food choice […]

BEEhavior under pressure Testing the effects of barometric pressure change on bumblebee foraging behavior

Meeting Abstract 131-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  BEEhavior under pressure: Testing the effects of barometric pressure change on bumblebee foraging behavior WARGIN, AH*; COMBES, SA; University of California, Davis; University of California, Davis Bumblebees, some of world’s most important pollinators, do not store large amounts of food within their hives, so they must respond […]

Aggressive anglers, seductive serpents, and titillating toads a discussion of luring and prey manipulation strategies

Meeting Abstract 131-7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Aggressive anglers, seductive serpents, and titillating toads: a discussion of luring and prey manipulation strategies ERDMANN, JA; Oklahoma State University When a predator hunts a cryptic or mobile prey item, it has two general options: actively seek out the prey or remain stationary and wait for prey […]

A heightened vigilance state alters mechanics of jump backs in kangaroo rats (D deserti)

Meeting Abstract 131-3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  A heightened vigilance state alters mechanics of jump backs in kangaroo rats (D. deserti) SCHWANER, MJ*; FREYMILLER, GA; CLARK, RW; MCGOWAN, CP; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID; San Diego State University, San Diego, CA; San Diego State University, San Diego, CA; University of Idaho, Moscow, ID Predation […]

Stags of the Sea Cranial Weapon Morphology in The Fish Subfamily Oligocottinae (Pisces; Cottoidea)

Meeting Abstract 130-2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:45 – 11:00  Stags of the Sea? Cranial Weapon Morphology in The Fish Subfamily Oligocottinae (Pisces; Cottoidea) BUSER, TJ*; SUMMERS, AP; SIDLAUSKAS, BL; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor, Washington; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR Many vertebrate groups have weaponized their skulls […]

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