The Impact of Tissue Aerobic Capacity and Life Stage on Oxidative Damage and Protein Turnover in Skeletal Muscle of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus

Meeting Abstract 133-6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  The Impact of Tissue Aerobic Capacity and Life Stage on Oxidative Damage and Protein Turnover in Skeletal Muscle of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus NEUROHR, JM*; KINSEY, ST; University of North Carolina Wilmington Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced largely by mitochondria in skeletal muscle as a […]

Spatial reorganization and clustering during the formation of myofibrils

Meeting Abstract 133-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Spatial reorganization and clustering during the formation of myofibrils WILLIAMS, CD*; KNIJNENBURG, TA; Allen Institute for Cell Science; Allen Institute for Cell Science Muscle cells generate an entirely new organelle as they differentiate from their stem cell precursors. The structures that emerge from this process are responsible […]

Is Reduced Thermal Sensitivity in Distal Wing Muscles a Functional Adaptation to Bats’ Unique Wing Morphology

Meeting Abstract 133-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15  Is Reduced Thermal Sensitivity in Distal Wing Muscles a Functional Adaptation to Bats’ Unique Wing Morphology? RUMMEL, AD*; FAURE, PA; SMOTHERMAN, MS; SWARTZ, SM; MARSH, RL; Brown University, Providence, RI; McMaster University, Hamilton, ON; Texas A&M, College Station, TX; Brown University, Providence, RI; Brown University, Providence, RI […]

Fatty acids and Diving Development Age class and sex differences in skeletal muscle fatty acid compositions the northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris

Meeting Abstract 133-7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  Fatty acids and Diving Development: Age class and sex differences in skeletal muscle fatty acid compositions the northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris KIRKPATRICK, A*; KANATOUS, S; CROCKER, D; TRUMBLE, S; Baylor University; Colorado State University; Sonoma State University; Baylor University Fatty acid oxidation provides approximately 90% […]

Effect of Anesthesia Immersion on the Coral Catshark, Atelomycterus marmoratus

Meeting Abstract 133-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  Effect of Anesthesia Immersion on the Coral Catshark, Atelomycterus marmoratus LEVENDOSKY, MW*; LANIER, M; BEDORE, CN; Georgia Southern University; Georgia Southern University; Georgia Southern University Sensory experiments require anesthesia so the animal is immobilized. Traditional fish anesthetics (e.g. tricaine) depress the sensory system, although the degree to […]

Asynchronous properties of synchronous hawkmoth flight muscles

Meeting Abstract 133-8  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15  Asynchronous properties of synchronous hawkmoth flight muscles GAU, JF*; LYNCH, J; GRAVISH, N; SPONBERG, S; Georgia Tech; UC San Diego; UC San Diego; Georgia Tech Insect flight muscles have historically been divided into two distinct classes: synchronous muscles contract once per neural excitation while asynchronous muscles exhibit […]

Swimming efficiency influences schooling position of volitionally swimming blacktip sharks

Meeting Abstract 132-5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45  Swimming efficiency influences schooling position of volitionally swimming blacktip sharks. RUDDY, BT*; LONG JR, JH; VERMA, S; PORTER, ME; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Fl; Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Fl; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Fl Fish gain hydrodynamic benefits such as […]

Revisiting Dubois the roles of positive and negative pressure in force production during fish swimming

Meeting Abstract 132-4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30  Revisiting Dubois: the roles of positive and negative pressure in force production during fish swimming LUCAS, KN*; LAUDER, GV; TYTELL, ED; University of Michigan; Harvard University; Tufts University In biomechanics classes, many of us have been shown the classic figure of pressure along a fish’s body during […]

Inverse Dynamics Analysis of Dolphin Swimming

Meeting Abstract 132-6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00  Inverse Dynamics Analysis of Dolphin Swimming XARGAY, E*; BARTON, K; GOUGH, W; ADAMS, D; FISH, F; ANTONIAK, G; SHORTER, KA; UMich; UMich; SU; CU; WCU; UM; UMich This work uses a physics-based model of a swimming bottlenose dolphin to investigate thrust production and propulsive efficiency. The model […]

Ink release and swimming behavior in an oceanic ctenophore, Eurhamphaea vexilligera Gegenbaur, 1856

Meeting Abstract 132-1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 13:45  Ink release and swimming behavior in an oceanic ctenophore, Eurhamphaea vexilligera Gegenbaur, 1856 TOWNSEND, JP*; GEMMEL, BJ; SUTHERLAND, KR; COLIN, SP; COSTELLO, JH; Providence College; Marine Biological Laboratory; University of South Florida; University of Oregon; Roger Williams University; Marine Biological Laboratory; Providence College; Marine Biological Laboratory Of […]

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