Meeting Abstract 18.7 Saturday, Jan. 4 11:45 Vibrating Bees: Behavioral Changes in Buzz Frequency SWITZER, C.S.*; COMBES, S.A.; Harvard Univ., Cambridge; Harvard Univ., Cambridge Multiple bee taxa have evolved the ability to collect pollen by shaking it from plants’ anthers. While grasping or touching the anthers, bees vibrate their bodies using their flight muscles, without flapping […]
year: 2018
Using a Hidden Markov Model to find foraging areas for the gray smooth-hound shark (Mustelus californicus) in a Full Tidal Basin
Meeting Abstract 18.4 Saturday, Jan. 4 11:00 Using a Hidden Markov Model to find foraging areas for the gray smooth-hound shark (Mustelus californicus) in a Full Tidal Basin NEEMAN, N*; ESPINOZA, M; FARRUGIA, TJ; LOWE, CG; SOBEL, MJ; O’CONNOR, MP; Drexel University; California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Long Beach; […]
Migratory Predators Adjust Foraging Behavior in Response to Migratory Prey
Meeting Abstract 18.2 Saturday, Jan. 4 10:30 Migratory Predators Adjust Foraging Behavior in Response to Migratory Prey KRAUEL, J.J.*; MCCRACKEN, G.F.; Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Univ.of Tennessee, Knoxville Little is known about interactions between migratory predators and migratory prey, although these systems may be at high risk to disruption due to habitat loss and climate change. […]
Locomotor performance of lizards during pursuit of prey and evasion from predators
Meeting Abstract 18.6 Saturday, Jan. 4 11:30 Locomotor performance of lizards during pursuit of prey and evasion from predators ANDERSON, R A; Western Washington Univ. A robust, comprehensive study of locomotory capabilities in a terrestrial vertebrate requires adequate observation and testing in the field as well as in the lab. Terrestrial lizards in desert scrub are […]
Habitat Partitioning and Intrapopulation Variation in Migration Patterns of Sympatric Apex-Predatory Sharks Across a Dynamic Marine Landscape
Meeting Abstract 18.3 Saturday, Jan. 4 10:45 Habitat Partitioning and Intrapopulation Variation in Migration Patterns of Sympatric Apex-Predatory Sharks Across a Dynamic Marine Landscape HAMMERSCHLAG, N*; GRAHAM, F/J; NELSON, E/R; HARTOG, K; HAMMERSCHLAG-PEYER, C/M; University of Miami, RJ Dunlap Marine Conservation Program; University of Miami, RJ Dunlap Marine Conservation Program; University of Miami, RJ Dunlap Marine Conservation […]
Exploring the energetics of foraging behavior in Gila monsters, Heloderma suspectum
Meeting Abstract 18.5 Saturday, Jan. 4 11:15 Exploring the energetics of foraging behavior in Gila monsters, Heloderma suspectum WRIGHT, C.W.*; MOELLER, K.T.; HOLDEN, C.; DEMARE, G.; DENARDO, D.F.; Arizona State Univ., Tempe; Arizona State Univ., Tempe; Arizona State Univ., Tempe Although predation risk and food availability strongly influence foraging decisions, so too can physiological condition and […]
Between-individual variation in the flight altitudes of Swainson’s Thrushes
Meeting Abstract 18.1 Saturday, Jan. 4 10:15 Between-individual variation in the flight altitudes of Swainson’s Thrushes BOWLIN, MS*; ENSTROM, DA; MURPHY, BJ; JURICH, P; PURDY, C; PLAZA, E; COCHRAN, WW; COCHRAN, J; University of Michigan-Dearborn; Illinois Natural History Survey; University of Michigan-Dearborn; University of Michigan-Dearborn; University of Michigan-Dearborn; University of Michigan-Dearborn; Illinois Natural History Survey; JDJC Corp […]
The adaptive potential of phylogenetically conserved larval development in marine invertebrates
Meeting Abstract 142-6 Sunday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00 The adaptive potential of phylogenetically conserved larval development in marine invertebrates EWERS-SAUCEDO, C*; PAPPALARDO, P; Zoological Museum of the Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany; Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, USA Many marine organisms have an biphasic life cycle. The early phase is the predominant dispersal […]
Maternal stress in eastern fence lizards does not adaptively program offspring to a stressful environment
Meeting Abstract 142-3 Sunday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:15 Maternal stress in eastern fence lizards does not adaptively program offspring to a stressful environment MACLEOD, KJ*; LANGKILDE, TL; SHERIFF, MJ; Pennsylvania State University The maternal environment during gestation can have profound impacts on the phenotype of offspring via transgenerational maternal effects. Transgenerational effects of maternal […]
Hidden Asymmetry in Shape of Biological Patterns
Meeting Abstract 142-7 Sunday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15 Hidden Asymmetry in Shape of Biological Patterns SERGEY, baranov; University od Vladimir he asymmetry is studied on different biosystemic levels. The deviation from perfect bilateral symmetry is a phenomen, which mean the turns in metabolic paths responsible for developmental homeostasis. There is an importance of unbiased estimates […]