High bite forces maintained across gapes may circumvent length-tension constraints via dynamic architecture in Macaque monkey jaws

Meeting Abstract 140-3  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:00 – 14:15  High bite forces maintained across gapes may circumvent length-tension constraints via dynamic architecture in Macaque monkey jaws. GIDMARK, NJ*; ORSBON, CP; ROSS, CF; Knox College; University of Chicago; University of Chicago gidmark@knox.edu Biting forces exerted by an animal are the product of skeletal morphology (jaw mechanical leverage, joint […]

Elephant Trunk Forms Joints to Better Grip Objects

Meeting Abstract 140-1  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:30 – 13:45  Elephant Trunk Forms Joints to Better Grip Objects WU, J*; HA, S; KIM, G; DHANUSHA , S; BRACCINI, S; HU, D; Gatech, Atlanta; Gatech, Atlanta; Gatech, Atlanta; Gatech, Atlanta; Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta; Gatech, Atlanta 791396787@qq.com The boneless elephant trunk is the elephant’s most versatile appendage, enabling it to […]

A little mouth with a lot of power how cranial and axial muscles generate suction expansion in bluegill sunfish

Meeting Abstract 140-2  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:45 – 14:00  A little mouth with a lot of power: how cranial and axial muscles generate suction expansion in bluegill sunfish CAMP, AL*; ROBERTS, TJ; BRAINERD, EL; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University ariel.l.camp@gmail.com http://arielcamp.weebly.com/ Ray-finned fishes exhibit tremendous variation in their mouth-size and body-shape, yet most capture food by […]

The fallacy of honeybee caste determination how quantity, not quality, may determine caste

Meeting Abstract 139-5  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:30 – 14:45  The fallacy of honeybee caste determination: how quantity, not quality, may determine caste SLATER, GARETT*; HELM, BRYAN; YOCUM, GEORGE; BOWSHER, JULIA; SLATER, garett; North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND; USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND garett.p.slater@ndsu.edu A Honeybee colony comprises thousands of sterile workers and one reproductive queen. While workers and […]

In vivo effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol, 17β-estradiol and 4-nonylphenol on hepatic insulin-like growth-factor binding protein (igfbp) mRNA levels in Atlantic salmon

Meeting Abstract 139-2  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:45 – 14:00  In vivo effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol, 17β-estradiol and 4-nonylphenol on hepatic insulin-like growth-factor binding protein (igfbp) mRNA levels in Atlantic salmon BREVES, JP*; DUFFY, TA; EINARSDOTTIR, IE; BJöRNSSON, BT; MCCORMICK, SD; Skidmore Coll.; Northeastern Univ.; Univ. of Gothenburg; Univ. of Gothenburg; USGS, Conte Anadromous Fish Res. Cen. jbreves@skidmore.edu Feminizing […]

Hormone and melanocyte signaling in a social feather ornament

Meeting Abstract 139-3  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:00 – 14:15  Hormone and melanocyte signaling in a social feather ornament ABOLINS-ABOLS, M*; KASSAB , H/D; KETTERSON, E/D; ABOLINS-ABOLS, Mikus; Indiana University; Indiana University; Indiana University mabolins@indiana.edu http://mikusabolins.weebly.com Bird feathers are one of the most striking examples of variation in nature. Some of the variation in feather ornaments has been […]

Fetal Sex Hormone Exposure Programs Autism-Like Behavior in the Rat Model

Meeting Abstract 139-4  Sunday, Jan. 8 14:15 – 14:30  Fetal Sex Hormone Exposure Programs Autism-Like Behavior in the Rat Model. MCCOY, K/A*; BLAKE, B/E; TRAN, T; East Carolina University; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; East Carolina University mccoyk@ecu.edu http://kristamccoylab.weebly.com Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is broadly characterized by repetitive behavior, and […]

Egg Thyroid Hormones An Unexplored Mechanism for Maternal Effects in Birds

Meeting Abstract 139-1  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:30 – 13:45  Egg Thyroid Hormones: An Unexplored Mechanism for Maternal Effects in Birds RUUSKANEN, S*; GROOTHUIS, TGG; DARRAS, VM; GIENAPP, P; SCHAPER, SV; VISSER, ME; Unive of Turku, Finland; Dept of Animal Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), ; Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, Univ of Groningen, The Netherlands; […]

What big eyes you have Eye allometry and visual range in deep-sea cephalopods

Meeting Abstract 138-2  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:45 – 14:00  What big eyes you have: Eye allometry and visual range in deep-sea cephalopods THOMAS, KN*; VECCHIONE, M; JOHNSEN, S; Duke Univ.; NOAA Systematics Lab; Duke Univ. kate.thomas@duke.edu Cephalopods generally have large, well-developed eyes, but the sizes of these eyes relative to body mass vary across ontogeny and phylogeny. […]

The morphology of the bat sensory system correlates of sight, chemosensation, and hearing in noctilionoid bats

Meeting Abstract 138-1  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:30 – 13:45  The morphology of the bat sensory system: correlates of sight, chemosensation, and hearing in noctilionoid bats DUMONT, ER*; HEDRICK, B; DáVALOS, LM; ROSSITER, S; SEARS, KE; DUMONT, Elizab; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst; Stony Brook University; Queen Mary University of London; University of Illinois, Urbana bdumont@bio.umass.edu Through their long […]

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