Meeting Abstract 120-2 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:30 Staying hot to fight the heat- High body temperatures in a tropical small mammal LEVESQUE, DL*; TUEN, AA; LOVEGROVE, BG; University of Maine; Universiti Malaysia Sarawak; University of KwaZulu-Natal The relationship between animals and their thermal environment has been gaining prominence in the fields of ecology and physiology […]
year: 2016
Predicting ecological consequences of increasing temperature variability matching data with theory
Meeting Abstract 120-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:15 Predicting ecological consequences of increasing temperature variability: matching data with theory ALLEN, B.J.*; BOURDEAU, P.E.; MILLER, L.P.; DENNY, M.W.; California State University, Long Beach; Humboldt State University; San Jose State University; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Increasing temperature variability is likely to be an important biological disturbance […]
Lizards (Sceloporus tristichus) fail to adaptively adjust nesting in response to thermal stress
Meeting Abstract 120-5 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:15 Lizards (Sceloporus tristichus) fail to adaptively adjust nesting in response to thermal stress TELEMECO, R.S.*; SMITH, C.; ANGILLETTA, M.J.; BUCKLEY, L.B.; Univ. of Washington; Arizona State Univ.; Arizona State Univ.; Univ. of Washington Phenotypic plasticity is commonly observed in organisms responding to climate change, and might buffer populations […]
Influence of Habitat Structure on Hummingbird Response to Climate Change
Meeting Abstract 120-3 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:45 Influence of Habitat Structure on Hummingbird Response to Climate Change POWERS, D.R.*; SCHROEDER, R.J.; CANEPA, J.R.; LANGLAND, K.M.; ELTING, R.L.; WETHINGTON, S.M.; GRAHAM, C.H.; CORMIER, T.; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR; George Fox Univ., Newberg, OR; George Fox Univ., Newberg, […]
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) Technology for Locating, Identifying, and Monitoring Courtship and Mating Behavior in the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)
Meeting Abstract 119-7 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:30 Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) Technology for Locating, Identifying, and Monitoring Courtship and Mating Behavior in the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) BEVAN, E*; WIBBELS, T; NAVARRO, E; ROSAS, M; NAJERA, B; SARTI, L; ILLESCAS, F; MONTANO, J; PENA, L; BURCHFIELD, P; University of Alabama at Birmingham,1300 University Boulevard; University […]
Traffic noise drowns out a songbird’s alarm calls
Meeting Abstract 119-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:00 Traffic noise drowns out a songbird’s alarm calls TEMPLETON, CN*; ZOLLINGER, SA; BRUMM, H; Pacific University, University of St Andrews; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology Anthropogenic noise negatively impacts acoustic signals in a variety of animals. Recent research has shown that birds can […]
Static versus dynamic exposure assays How are crayfish impacted by realistic exposure paradigms
Meeting Abstract 119-3 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:30 Static versus dynamic exposure assays: How are crayfish impacted by realistic exposure paradigms NEAL, A.E.*; MOORE, P.A.; Bowling Green State University; BGSU Animals living within aquatic habitats regularly encounter chemical pollution as a result of anthropogenic activities. Typically, the toxicity of chemical pollutant or toxins is determined by the […]
Lizard foraging behavior in response to urbanized environments and associated predation risk
Meeting Abstract 119-5 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:00 Lizard foraging behavior in response to urbanized environments and associated predation risk. CHEJANOVSKI, Z.A.*; LAPIEDRA, O.; KOLBE, J.J.; Univ. of Rhode Island; Harvard Univ.; Univ. of Rhode Island A fundamental question in behavioral ecology is whether and how animals are able to cope with human-induced rapid environmental changes. […]
Fish distribution during smolt migration in the Penobscot Estuary, ME
Meeting Abstract 119-6 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:15 Fish distribution during smolt migration in the Penobscot Estuary, ME VOLKEL, SL; VOLKEL, Shea; NOAA Hollings Scholarship Program; NMFS NEFSC Maine Field Station, Orono, ME; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ; University of North Carolina at Wilmington Estuaries are complex and dynamic ecosystems. The Penobscot Estuary is particularly […]
Examining chemosensory recovery post-atrazine exposure in the crayfish ( Orconectes virilis)
Meeting Abstract 119-2 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:15 Examining chemosensory recovery post-atrazine exposure in the crayfish ( Orconectes virilis) BELANGER, RM*; MOONEY, LM; NGUYEN, HM; ABRAHAM, NK; PETERS, TJ; KANA, MA; MAY, LA; University of Detroit Mercy; University of Detroit Mercy; University of Detroit Mercy; University of Detroit Mercy; University of Detroit Mercy; University of Detroit Mercy; University […]