Seasonal patterns in innate immune effectiveness against Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis

Meeting Abstract 125-1  Thursday, Jan. 7 13:30  Seasonal patterns in innate immune effectiveness against Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis VOYLES, J*; PEREZ, R; ROLLINS-SMITH, L; RICHARDS-ZAWACKI, C; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; Vanderbilt University; University of Pittsburg Amphibians are declining worldwide and are currently regarded as one of the most threatened classes of vertebrate animals. Many […]

Outbreaks of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis are controlled by host adaptations to climate

Meeting Abstract 125-2  Thursday, Jan. 7 13:45  Outbreaks of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis are controlled by host adaptations to climate COHEN, J.M.*; MCMAHON, T.; VENESKY, M.; CIVITELLO, D.J.; ROZNIK, B.; ROHR, J.R.; University of South Florida; University of Tampa; Allegheny College; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Batrachochytrium […]

High temperatures limit reproduction in an invasive castrating parasite

Meeting Abstract 125-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:15  High temperatures limit reproduction in an invasive castrating parasite GEHMAN, A. M. *; HALL, R. J. ; BYERS, J. E. ; University of Georgia, Athens; University of Georgia, Athens; University of Georgia, Athens Temperature has predictable, often non-linear, effects on many biological processes. Parasites of ectothermic hosts may […]

Effect of temperature on chytridiomycosis in larval amphibians

Meeting Abstract 125-3  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:00  Effect of temperature on chytridiomycosis in larval amphibians BRADLEY, P. W.*; BRAWNER, M.D.; RAFFEL, T.R.; ROHR, J.R.; OLSON, D.H.; BLAUSTEIN, A.R.; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; Oakland University, Rochester, MI; University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Oregon State […]

The Proteomic Response of Tidally and Subtidally-entrained California Mussels, Mytilus californianus, to Anoxia Stress

Meeting Abstract 124-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:15  The Proteomic Response of Tidally and Subtidally-entrained California Mussels, Mytilus californianus, to Anoxia Stress FOWLER, A.N.*; ZUZOW, M.; TOMANEK, L.; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Intertidal mussels of the genus Mytilus experience extreme shifts in abiotic conditions, specifically oxygen partial pressure, due to tidal fluctuations. We therefore […]

Proteomic responses of two mussel congeners to hypo-salinity, aerial heat and sirtuin inhibition a multiple-stressors approach

Meeting Abstract 124-5  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:30  Proteomic responses of two mussel congeners to hypo-salinity, aerial heat and sirtuin inhibition: a multiple-stressors approach VASQUEZ, M.C.*; MARTINEZ, D.A.; LUQUIN, M.G.; TOMANEK, L.; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Understanding physiological tolerances of marine organisms to environmental stress is key to predicting species adaptability in a changing […]

Mechanisms of adaptation to cold-hypoxia in high altitude deer mice the role of non-shivering thermogenesis

Meeting Abstract 124-1  Thursday, Jan. 7 13:30  Mechanisms of adaptation to cold-hypoxia in high altitude deer mice: the role of non-shivering thermogenesis VELOTTA, J.P.*; JONES, J.; WOLF, C.J.; CHEVIRON, Z.A.; University of Montana; Governors State University; University of Montana; University of Montana For small mammals living at high altitude, aerobic heat generation (thermogenesis) is essential […]

Do seasonal changes in developmental temperature have season-specific fitness consequences in a lizard

Meeting Abstract 124-3  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:00  Do seasonal changes in developmental temperature have season-specific fitness consequences in a lizard? PEARSON, PR*; WARNER, DA; Auburn University; Auburn University Rapidly changing environmental conditions can reduce the fitness value of a phenotype. Phenotypic plasticity can solve this problem by enabling individuals to quickly develop phenotypes that are suited […]

Behavior influences physiological divergence along thermal clines in a group of tropical Australian skinks

Meeting Abstract 124-2  Thursday, Jan. 7 13:45  Behavior influences physiological divergence along thermal clines in a group of tropical Australian skinks MUNOZ, MM*; LANGHAM, GM; BRANDLEY, MC; WILLIAMS, SE; MORITZ, CM; The Australian National University; National Audubon Society; University of Sydney; James Cook University; The Australian National University There is pressing urgency to understand how tropical […]

Uterine molecular changes during pregnancy in Macropus eugenii (Macropodidae; Marsupialia) implications for the evolution of mammalian pregnancy

Meeting Abstract 123-6  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:45  Uterine molecular changes during pregnancy in Macropus eugenii (Macropodidae; Marsupialia): implications for the evolution of mammalian pregnancy LAIRD, M.K.*; DARGAN, J.; PATERSON, L.; MCALLAN, B.M.; MURPHY, C.R.; THOMPSON, M.B.; University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; […]

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