Meeting Abstract 132-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 13:30 How to swim and hunt like a loon CLIFTON, GT*; BIEWENER, AA; Concord Field Station, Harvard U., Bedford, MA; CFS, Harvard U., Bedford, MA Loons (Gaviiformes) are arguably one of the most successful groups of swimming birds. As specialist foot-propelled swimmers, loons are capable of diving up to 70 […]
year: 2016
Flexibility of the flukes of free-swimming cetaceans
Meeting Abstract 132-7 Thursday, Jan. 7 15:00 Flexibility of the flukes of free-swimming cetaceans FISH, F.E.*; GOUGH, W.T.; TENNETT, K.A.; ADAMS, D.S.; ST LEGER, J; West Chester Univ., PA; West Chester Univ., PA; West Chester Univ., PA; West Chester Univ., PA; Sea World, CA The flukes are the primary locomotor structure in cetaceans; they produce hydrodynamic […]
Effect of Fluke Flexibility on Flow Modulation in Orca’s Steady Swimming
Meeting Abstract 132-3 Thursday, Jan. 7 14:00 Effect of Fluke Flexibility on Flow Modulation in Orca’s Steady Swimming REN, Y*; LIU, G; DONG, H; FISH, F; University of Virginia; University of Virginia; University of Virginia; West Chester University The flexibility of the flukes has been found crucial in cetaceans’ propulsion. Previous research (Fish et al., 2005) […]
The stress of parenthood how brood size interacts with corticosterone and testosterone in eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis)
Meeting Abstract 131-3 Thursday, Jan. 7 14:00 The stress of parenthood: how brood size interacts with corticosterone and testosterone in eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) AMBARDAR, M.*; GRINDSTAFF, J.L.; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University In socially monogamous birds, the hormone testosterone typically facilitates territorial aggression and nest defense, but in doing so, can suppress parental care. […]
Stress response, gut microbial diversity, and sexual signals correlate with social interactions A social network study in North American barn swallows
Meeting Abstract 131-6 Thursday, Jan. 7 14:45 Stress response, gut microbial diversity, and sexual signals correlate with social interactions: A social network study in North American barn swallows LEVIN, I I*; FOSDICK, B K; ZONANA, D M; SONG, S J; KNIGHT, R; SAFRAN, R J; University of Colorado, Boulder; Colorado State University; University of Colorado, Boulder; University […]
Peripherally injected ghrelin and leptin reduce food hoarding and mass gain in the coal tit (Periparus ater)
Meeting Abstract 131-5 Thursday, Jan. 7 14:30 Peripherally injected ghrelin and leptin reduce food hoarding and mass gain in the coal tit (Periparus ater) HENDERSON, LJ*; COCKCROFT, RC; KAIYA, H; BOSWELL, T; SMULDERS, TV; Newcastle University, UK; Newcastle University, UK; National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Japan; Newcastle University, UK; Newcastle University, UK The hormonal control of […]
Linking social behavior and stress physiology in feral mares (Equus caballus) Group transfers elevate fecal cortisol levels
Meeting Abstract 131-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 13:30 Linking social behavior and stress physiology in feral mares (Equus caballus): Group transfers elevate fecal cortisol levels NUNEZ, CMV*; ADELMAN, JS; SMITH, J; GESQUIERE, LR; RUBENSTEIN, DI; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Princeton University; Duke University; Princeton University Feral horses (Equus caballus) have a complex social structure, […]
Energetic challenges experienced by the mother during gestation alter growth patterns and adult traits related to energy balance in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)
Meeting Abstract 131-4 Thursday, Jan. 7 14:15 Energetic challenges experienced by the mother during gestation alter growth patterns and adult traits related to energy balance in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). BROZEK, J.M. *; SCHNEIDER, J.E.; KEEN-RHINEHART, E.; Lehigh University; Lehigh University; Susquehanna University Energy intake, storage, and expenditure can be programmed by the energetic status of […]
Thermal defense strategy determines limpet response to acute temperature stress on rocky shores
Meeting Abstract 130-8 Thursday, Jan. 7 15:15 Thermal defense strategy determines limpet response to acute temperature stress on rocky shores KROUPA, TF*; MAN, TD; MILLER, LP; DENNY, MW; ALLEN, BJ; California State University Long Beach, Long Beach; California State University Long Beach, Long Beach; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford […]
Recent thermal history determines microalgal response to acute temperature stress on rocky shores
Meeting Abstract 130-2 Thursday, Jan. 7 13:45 Recent thermal history determines microalgal response to acute temperature stress on rocky shores HUNT, EM*; MILLER, LP; DENNY, MW; ALLEN, BJ; California State University Long Beach; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University; Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University; California State University Long Beach In addition to higher average temperatures, […]