Evidence of a high-power feeding mechanism in salamandrid salamanders

Meeting Abstract 113-2  Thursday, Jan. 7 10:30  Evidence of a high-power feeding mechanism in salamandrid salamanders STINSON, C.M.*; DEBAN, S.M.; University of South Florida, Tampa; University of South Florida, Tampa cstinson@mail.usf.edu Differences in morphology between closely related species are known to impact function and consequently affect organismal performance. The diverse hyobranchial apparatus morphologies of salamanders enable varying […]

What can tails tell fish How caudal touch mediates startle behavior

Meeting Abstract 112-5  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:00  What can tails tell fish? How caudal touch mediates startle behavior KATZ, HR*; LIU, YC; HALE, ME; Univ. of Chicago; Vollum Institute, Oregon Health and Science Univ.; Univ. of Chicago katz20h@uchicago.edu The S-start startle behavior is produced in response to caudal stimuli in zebrafish and other taxa. By examining the […]

Revisiting the Relationship Between Tail Beat Frequency, Amplitude, and Speed in Swimming Fishes

Meeting Abstract 112-7  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:30  Revisiting the Relationship Between Tail Beat Frequency, Amplitude, and Speed in Swimming Fishes LAUDER, G.V.*; ANDERSON, E.J.; GARBORG, C.S.; THORNYCROFT, P.; TURNER, E.; KALIONZES, K.; KENALEY, C.P.; Harvard Univ.; Grove City College; Grove City College; Harvard Univ.; Grove City College; Harvard Univ.; Harvard Univ. glauder@gmail.com http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~glauder/ Richard Bainbridge, in his […]

Pectoral fins of the catfish Pimelodus pictus can function as passive touch sensors

Meeting Abstract 112-3  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:30  Pectoral fins of the catfish Pimelodus pictus can function as passive touch sensors HARDY, A.R.*; STEINWORTH, B.M.; HALE, M.E.; Univ. of Chicago; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences; Univ. of Chicago arhardy7@uchicago.edu Mechanosensation is fundamental to many tetrapod limb functions yet remains largely uninvestigated in the paired fins of fishes, limb […]

Muscle activity during forward accelerations versus steady swimming in bluegill sunfish

Meeting Abstract 112-6  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:15  Muscle activity during forward accelerations versus steady swimming in bluegill sunfish SCHWALBE, MAB*; WISE, TN; BODEN, AL; TYTELL, ED; Tufts University margot.schwalbe@tufts.edu Fishes need to swim long distances efficiently and accelerate quickly to escape predators or capture prey. To swim, fish contract the muscles on either side of their bodies […]

Losing one’s sense of control how proprioceptive feedback impacts labriform swimming

Meeting Abstract 112-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:45  Losing one’s sense of control: how proprioceptive feedback impacts labriform swimming AIELLO, BR*; OLSEN, AM; WESTNEAT, MW; HALE, ME; Univ. of Chicago braiello@uchicago.edu http://home.uchicago.edu/~braiello Proprioceptive feedback, the sense of movement and position of one’s body elements in space, is critical to the motor performance of many animals. The pectoral fins […]

How fish schooling improves swimming performance

Meeting Abstract 112-1  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:00  How fish schooling improves swimming performance? DAGHOOGHI, M; BORAZJANI, I*; University at Buffalo, State University of New York; University at Buffalo, State University of New York iman@buffalo.edu Fish schooling is typically observed in many fish species, which is thought to provide hydrodynamic advantages. Previous theoretical models have predicted improvements in […]

Batoid locomotion integrative study of mechanics and energetics in the little skate

Meeting Abstract 112-2  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:15  Batoid locomotion: integrative study of mechanics and energetics in the little skate DI SANTO, V*; KENALEY, CP; LAUDER, GV; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University vdisanto@fas.harvard.edu Batoid fishes are unique among elasmobranchs in having dorso-ventrally flattened bodies with largely expanded pectoral fins that form a disc. Benthic batoids lift from […]

Song and male social behavior as a supplemental cue for female breeding phenology an experimental, field study

Meeting Abstract 111-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:00  Song and male social behavior as a supplemental cue for female breeding phenology: an experimental, field study CORNELL, A*; HOU, JJ; WILLIAMS, TD; Simon Fraser University acornell@sfu.ca http://aecornell.wix.com/cornell Although photoperiod is widely recognized as the primary environmental cue controlling seasonal reproduction, slight variation in individual timing of breeding can have […]

Nest Identity Crisis The Relationship between Predator Abundance and Nest Site Selection in the Dark-eyed Junco

Meeting Abstract 111-5  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:15  Nest Identity Crisis: The Relationship between Predator Abundance and Nest Site Selection in the Dark-eyed Junco MADY, R*; GRAHAM, J; LELLO-SMITH, A; PEDERSEN, A; THOMASON, C; GERLACH, N; KETTERSON, E; GREIVES, T; Towson Univ.; North Dakota State Univ.; Univ. of Edinburgh; Texas Tech Univ.; Univ. of Florida; Indiana Univ.; North […]

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