Meeting Abstract 114-5 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:15 Lability of thermal physiology revealed along an elevational gradient in Urosaurus ornatus GILBERT, AL*; MILES, DB; Ohio University; Ohio University Species with broad geographic distributions often have populations inhabiting disparate habitat types that vary in thermal quality. Recent models suggest that differences in the thermal environment should lead […]
year: 2016
Geographic variation in thermal sensitivity of early life-history traits in a widespread reptile
Meeting Abstract 114-7 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:45 Geographic variation in thermal sensitivity of early life-history traits in a widespread reptile BODENSTEINER, B.L.*; WARNER, D.A.; IVERSON, J.B.; MILNE-ZELMAN, C.; MITCHELL, T.S.; REFSNIDER, J.M.; JANZEN, F.J; Iowa State University; Auburn University; Earlham College; Aurora University; Auburn University; The University of Toledo; Iowa State University Organisms with large geographic […]
Effects of local environment, acclimation, and extreme winter events on phenotypic and genomic variation of the green anole (Anolis carolinensis)
Meeting Abstract 114-2 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:30 Effects of local environment, acclimation, and extreme winter events on phenotypic and genomic variation of the green anole (Anolis carolinensis) CAMPBELL-STATON, SC*; CHEVIRON, ZA; BARE, A; LOSOS, JB; EDWARDS, SV; University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana; University of Montana; University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana; Harvard University; Harvard University Temperature plays an important […]
Adaptation to heat stress reduces phenotypic and gene expression plasticity in a marine copepod
Meeting Abstract 114-4 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:00 Adaptation to heat stress reduces phenotypic and gene expression plasticity in a marine copepod KELLY, MW*; PANKEY, S; DEBIASSE, MB; PLACHETZKI, D; Louisiana State University; University of New Hamphsire; Louisiana State University; University of New Hampshire Organisms may respond to changing environments through phenotypic plasticity or adaptive evolution. In […]
Abiotic conditions influence winter nest temperatures and hatchling mortality in the painted turtle ( Chrysemys picta)
Meeting Abstract 114-6 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:30 Abiotic conditions influence winter nest temperatures and hatchling mortality in the painted turtle ( Chrysemys picta) MITCHELL, T. S. *; IVERSON, J. B.; JANZEN , F. J.; Auburn University; Earlham College; Iowa State University Some ectotherms have evolved remarkable adaptations for survival at cold temperatures, and cold-hardiness influences […]
The mantis strikes again patterns of variation in the kinematics of a praying mantis feeding strike
Meeting Abstract 113-6 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:30 The mantis strikes again: patterns of variation in the kinematics of a praying mantis feeding strike. OUFIERO, C.E.*; NGUYEN, T.; SRAGNER, A.; ELLIS, A.; Towson University Praying mantises, which are often ambush and cryptic predators, rely on the rapid movements of three segments (coxa, femur and tibia) of […]
Temperature effects on the performance and motor control of tongue projection in lungless salamanders
Meeting Abstract 113-3 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:45 Temperature effects on the performance and motor control of tongue projection in lungless salamanders. SCALES, J.A.*; DEBAN, S.M.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Temperature significantly impacts organismal performance through its effects on muscle contractile rates, making the maintenance of performance across temperatures a critical environmental challenge […]
Prey-specific muscle activation patterns of the cypriniform palatal organ
Meeting Abstract 113-4 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:00 Prey-specific muscle activation patterns of the cypriniform palatal organ RADE, C.M. *; SANFORD, C.P. ; HERNANDEZ, L.P.; The George Washington University; Hofstra University; The George Washington University The cypriniform palatal organ is a dorsal tongue-like muscular mass that spans the buccal roof and is bilaterally connected to the branchial […]
Power-amplified feeding in snipefish (Macroramphosus scolopax)
Meeting Abstract 113-5 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:15 Power-amplified feeding in snipefish (Macroramphosus scolopax) LONGO, S.J.; University of California, Davis Nearly all syngnathiforms (seahorses, pipefishes, and their relatives) are characterized by a long snout, which they employ in an unusual motion called pivot feeding, or rapid dorsal rotation of the head to bring the mouth closer […]
Point of Impact The dynamics and energetics of ballistic puncture
Meeting Abstract 113-1 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:15 Point of Impact: The dynamics and energetics of ballistic puncture ANDERSON, P*; LACOSSE, J; Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Charles E. Jordan HS, Durham, NC Jellyfish using their nematocysts to inject venom, mantis shrimp harpooning passing fish, and hunters shooting with bow and arrows are all examples of a […]