Information-based analysis of centralized vs decentralized control architectures for rapidly running cockroaches

Meeting Abstract 107.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:15  Information-based analysis of centralized vs. decentralized control architectures for rapidly running cockroaches. SPONBERG, S; Georgia Institute of Technology Perturbed, transient, and variable movements reveal locomotor dynamics and hence how control is accomplished. Recently a great deal of research has focused on feedback vs. feedforward control strategies. Much less attention […]

Increased movement compensates for noisy sensory acquisition

Meeting Abstract 107.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:30  Increased movement compensates for noisy sensory acquisition NEVELN, I.D*; CHEN, C.; MACIVER, M.A.; Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL; Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL; Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL Many animal behaviors involve motion of the body or appendages for sensing the environment to gain information, which we term active sensing. As […]

Unique acoustic funnel into the cetacean ear links evolution and ontogeny in the origin of underwater hearing

Meeting Abstract 106.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:00  Unique acoustic funnel into the cetacean ear links evolution and ontogeny in the origin of underwater hearing YAMATO, M.*; PYENSON, N.D.; Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History; Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History Whales and dolphins receive underwater sounds through a completely different mechanism than terrestrial […]

The genetic basis of developmental plasticity in cichlid fishes

Meeting Abstract 106.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:45  The genetic basis of developmental plasticity in cichlid fishes ALBERTSON, R.C.*; NAVON, D.; PARSONS, K.J.; University of Massachusetts; University of Massachusetts; Glasgow University http:// Phenotypic plasticity is the capacity of an organism’s phenotype to vary depending on the conditions under which it develops. The ability of an individual to […]

Retention of ancestral developmental potential for dentition in the teleost fish Astyanax mexicanus

Meeting Abstract 106.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:15  Retention of ancestral developmental potential for dentition in the teleost fish Astyanax mexicanus JANDZIK, D.; STOCK, D.W.*; University of Colorado, Boulder; Comenius University, Bratislava; University of Colorado, Boulder Dentition in ray-finned fishes was ancestrally widespread throughout the oropharyngeal cavity, with a predominant evolutionary trend being tooth loss in the […]

Resurrecting embryos of the tuatara, Sphenodon punctuates, to resolve vertebrate genital evolution

Meeting Abstract 106.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:15  Resurrecting embryos of the tuatara, Sphenodon punctuates, to resolve vertebrate genital evolution SANGER, T. J.*; GREDLER, M. L.; COHN, M. J. ; University of Florida; University of Florida; University of Florida, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Amniote genitalia exhibit wide diversity in adult anatomical form with species possessing one phallus […]

Expression of 5’ HoxD Cluster Genes in the American Paddlefish Polyodon spathula

Meeting Abstract 106.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:30  Expression of 5’ HoxD Cluster Genes in the American Paddlefish Polyodon spathula TULENKO, FJ*; AUGUSTUS, GJ; SIMS, SE; DAVIS, MC; Kennesaw State University; Kennesaw State University; Kennesaw State University; Kennesaw State University How an autopod with morphologically distinct digits evolved during the fin to limb transition is one of […]

Evolution of Albinism in Caves

Meeting Abstract 106.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:30  Evolution of Albinism in Caves BILANDZIJA, H.*; CETKOVIC, H.; JEFFERY, W.R.; Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia; Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia; University of Maryland, College Park The regression of melanin pigmentation (albinism) has evolved in all animal phyla that have successfully invaded cave habitats. The mechanisms of albinism are […]

Development of chondrichthyan claspers and the evolution of copulatory organs

Meeting Abstract 106.7  Wednesday, Jan. 7 11:45  Development of chondrichthyan claspers and the evolution of copulatory organs O’SHAUGHNESSY, K.L.*; DAHN, R.D.; COHN, M.J.; Genetics and Genomics, University of Florida; 7322 Countrywood Lane, Madison, WI, 53719; Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida The earliest known vertebrate copulatory organs are claspers, […]

Under Pressure A tubular 3D force analysis of kangaroo rat burrowing

Meeting Abstract 105.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:30  Under Pressure: A tubular 3D force analysis of kangaroo rat burrowing MOORE, A.L.*; BARNES, C.J.; LEE, D.V.; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; University of Nevada, Las Vegas The study of burrowing biomechanics has been largely restricted to kinematics and one-dimensional force analyses in […]

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