Using an intensive, semester-long collaborative project to develop student quantitative ecology skills

Meeting Abstract 100.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:15  Using an intensive, semester-long collaborative project to develop student quantitative ecology skills LEONARD, J.B.K.; Northern Michigan University Ecology students require skills and training in quantitative analysis of ecological data sets, yet they are often resistant to developing these skills. One successful approach in an advanced ecology course is to […]

Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Proficiencies

Meeting Abstract 100.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30  Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Proficiencies LEUPEN, S*; HOFFMAN, K; HANSEN, S; DOWELL, K; LEIPS, J; University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC); University of Maryland Baltimore County […]

Temperature-dependent ectothermic escape response An undergraduate laboratory exercise

Meeting Abstract 100.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00  Temperature-dependent ectothermic escape response: An undergraduate laboratory exercise BOWLIN, MS; University of Michigan-Dearborn Here, I describe a new laboratory exercise designed for an undergraduate comparative animal physiology course. Students measure the burst performance of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) held at three different temperatures (5°, 21°, and 35°C) in order to […]

QUBES Bringing improved quantitative education to more undergraduates and faculty

Meeting Abstract 100.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15  QUBES: Bringing improved quantitative education to more undergraduates and faculty POLI, DB.*; CARTIER, J.; DONOVAN, S.; EATON, C.D.; GOWER, S.; JENKINS, K.; LAMAR, M.D.; SHEEHY, R.; WOJDAK, J.; Roanoke College, Salem VA; Unity College, Unity MA; Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA; Unity College, Unity MA; University of Wisconsin-Madison; BioQUEST Curriculum […]

Multiple-choice testing are we providing too many alternative answers per question

Meeting Abstract 100.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15  Multiple-choice testing: are we providing too many alternative answers per question? LOUDON, C*; MACIAS-MUÑOZ, A; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine Different versions of multiple-choice tests were administered to undergraduate students as part of normal testing in order to evaluate whether the number of alternative answers per […]

Integrating research and teaching in quantitative biology mathematical modeling of gene regulation

Meeting Abstract 100.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45  Integrating research and teaching in quantitative biology: mathematical modeling of gene regulation DREWELL, R A; DRESCH, J M*; Amherst College; Amherst College The 4 College Biomath Consortium (4CBC) consists of faculty and students from Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges. Through the 4CBC, a course titled “Frontiers in […]

Variation in stiffness of the lepidotrichia among the paired and median fins of yellow perch

Meeting Abstract 99.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45  Variation in stiffness of the lepidotrichia among the paired and median fins of yellow perch TAFT, NK; University of Wisconsin-Parkside Actinopterygii are named for the bony fin rays (lepidotrichia) that define the shape and function of their fins. Despite this, little is known about how these properties vary among […]

The morphology and mechanics of a gliding joint in a soft-bodied invertebrate

Meeting Abstract 99.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:00  The morphology and mechanics of a gliding joint in a soft-bodied invertebrate LAVALVA, S.*; LOIACONO, M.; THOMPSON, J.T.; Franklin and Marshall College; Franklin and Marshall College; Franklin and Marshall College We investigated the morphology and mechanics of what appears to be a gliding joint in Atlantic longfin squid (Doryteuthis […]

Skeletal correlates of wingtip shape in land bird (rollers, woodpeckers, and allies)

Meeting Abstract 99.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30  Skeletal correlates of wingtip shape in land bird (rollers, woodpeckers, and allies) HIERONYMUS, TL; Northeast Ohio Medical University Wingtip shape has several functional consequences in avian flapping flight, both in aerodynamic effects and in inertial costs. Although the shape and kinematics of the distal wing exert a strong influence […]

New Insights in the Functional Morphology of the Neck and its Organs in Singing Songbirds

Meeting Abstract 99.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00  New Insights in the Functional Morphology of the Neck and its Organs in Singing Songbirds HOMBERGER, D.G.*; COZIC, A.M.; Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge; Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge Birds have a long neck that can be extended or retracted into an S-shape, but little is known how […]

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