Reducing plumage reflectance causes changes in dominance and corticosterone

Meeting Abstract 102.8  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:45  Reducing plumage reflectance causes changes in dominance and corticosterone TRINGALI, A*; BOUGHTON, R; BOWMAN, R.K.; WINDSOR, R; Archbold Biological Station Ornamental traits remain honest indicators of fitness if there is a direct cost to producing or maintaining the trait or if a tradeoff between ornamentation and other physiological processes […]

Is testosterone required for a timely departure from the wintering grounds for a long-distance migrant

Meeting Abstract 102.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45  Is testosterone required for a timely departure from the wintering grounds for a long-distance migrant? NEMETH, Z*; GRAVES, E; RAMENOFSKY, M; University of Debrecen, Hungary ; University of California, Davis; University of California, Davis Testosterone is thought to play a major role in the physiology and behavior of spring […]

Divorce in a socially monogamous bird hormonal mechanisms and reproductive consequences

Meeting Abstract 102.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15  Divorce in a socially monogamous bird: hormonal mechanisms and reproductive consequences CRINO, O.L.*; HURLEY, L.L; MAINWARING, M.C.; DUVALL, C.; BUCHANAN, K.L.; GRIFFITH, S.C.; Macquarie University; Macquarie University; Lancaster University; Macquarie University; Deakin University; Macquarie University Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) form long term pairs, within which both sexes contribute […]

Comparisons of the behavioral and physiological traits of migrant and resident White-crowned Sparrows a common garden approach to studies of migration

Meeting Abstract 102.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:00  Comparisons of the behavioral and physiological traits of migrant and resident White-crowned Sparrows: a common garden approach to studies of migration RAMENOFSKY, M*; CAMPION, D; NEMETH, Z; University of California Davis, USA; Univeristy of Debrecen, Hungary To understand the physiological mechanisms and constraints associated with migration, direct comparisons of […]

Becoming more like your mate hormonal similarity reduces divorce rates in a wild songbird

Meeting Abstract 102.7  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:30  Becoming more like your mate: hormonal similarity reduces divorce rates in a wild songbird OUYANG, JQ*; VAN OERS, K; HAU, M; Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology In animals with bi-parental care, maintaining a pair-bond is of adaptive value because it […]

Using 3-D printing technology to investigate the function of cranial lateral line canals in fishes during rheotaxis

Meeting Abstract 101.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00  Using 3-D printing technology to investigate the function of cranial lateral line canals in fishes during rheotaxis LIAO, JC*; AKANYETI, O; The Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, U. Florida Gainesville The cranial lateral line canals (CLLC) of fishes are a mechano-receptive sensory system that can detect pressure gradients […]

Time-Resolved Volumetric Force Analysis of Unsteady Fish Propulsion

Meeting Abstract 101.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:15  Time-Resolved Volumetric Force Analysis of Unsteady Fish Propulsion MENDELSON, L.R.*; TECHET, A.H.; MIT; MIT Unsteady aquatic maneuvers, including the rapid starts and jumps performed by fish, are highly three-dimensional events. The interactions between multiple fins and the body generate complex flow structures that need to be resolved simultaneously across […]

Keep swimming and start spinning Effects of turbulence on swimming and orientation in larval urchins

Meeting Abstract 101.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45  Keep swimming and start spinning: Effects of turbulence on swimming and orientation in larval urchins WHEELER, JD*; ANDERSON, EJ; MULLINEAUX, LS; CHAN, KYK; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Grove City College, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution […]

High flows in low places measuring sub-millimeter scale water motion in the intertidal zone

Meeting Abstract 101.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:00  High flows in low places: measuring sub-millimeter scale water motion in the intertidal zone HATA, T*; DENNY, MW; Stanford University; Stanford University The hydrodynamic forces generated by breaking waves are one of the greatest environmental stressors experienced by organisms residing in the rocky intertidal zone of wave-swept shores. […]

Form and Function of the Spiny Dorsal Fin in Sunfishes

Meeting Abstract 101.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30  Form and Function of the Spiny Dorsal Fin in Sunfishes MAIA, A*; EATON, M; PROBST, B; ELMUTI, S; Eastern Illinois University; Eastern Illinois University; Eastern Illinois University; Charleston High School In fish fin evolution there is a trend towards a higher range of motion and flexibility, but little […]

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