A comparative analysis of medio-lateral forces in upright and sprawled systems

Meeting Abstract 104.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:45  A comparative analysis of medio-lateral forces in upright and sprawled systems FATH, M.A.*; HSIEH, S.T.; Temple University; Temple University michael.fath117@gmail.com http://astro.temple.edu/~sthsieh/index.html During the course of vertebrate evolution, multiple tetrapod lineages evolved from sprawled to erect postures. While most studies have focused on the kinetics of quadrupedal and bipedal locomotion using […]

The Effects of Nonylphenol Exposure on Crayfish Toxicity Concentrations and Alterations of Orientation Behavior

Meeting Abstract 103.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00  The Effects of Nonylphenol Exposure on Crayfish: Toxicity Concentrations and Alterations of Orientation Behavior BERGMAN, D.A.*; SWIFT, K.M.; WAALKES, W.C.; GAUTHIER, S.J.; Grand Valley State University bergmand@gvsu.edu Nonlyphenol is an organic compound used in detergents, pesticides and lubricants. It is a ubiquitous pollutant of both terrestrial and aquatic biospheres. Nonetheless, […]

Nose blind or not The effects of copper on chemically-mediated orientation behavior

Meeting Abstract 103.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:15  Nose blind or not? The effects of copper on chemically-mediated orientation behavior LAHMAN, S E*; MOORE, P A ; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University slahman@bgsu.edu Increases in sensory pollution within an environment can impair an organism’s ability to extract information necessary to make spatial decisions regarding orientation […]

Effects of Animal Predators and Human Hunters on Runs of a Beach-Spawning Fish

Meeting Abstract 103.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15  Effects of Animal Predators and Human Hunters on Runs of a Beach-Spawning Fish MARTIN, K.L.M.*; QUACH, V.V.; PIERCE, E.R.; Pepperdine Univ., Malibu, CA; Pepperdine Univ., Malibu, CA; Pepperdine Univ., Malibu, CA kmartin@pepperdine.edu http://www.grunion.org Famous for unique spawning behavior, California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis surf onto sandy beaches to lay eggs out […]

Developmental plasticity in gene expression and behavior in turbid environments

Meeting Abstract 103.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45  Developmental plasticity in gene expression and behavior in turbid environments EHLMAN, SM*; SANDKAM, B; SIH, A; BREDEN, F; Univ of California, Davis; Simon Fraser Univ; Univ of California, Davis; Simon Fraser Univ smehlman@ucdavis.edu http://sihlab.wordpress.com/sean-ehlman/ Upstream human disturbance can cause major changes in aquatic environments by increasing sedimentation in streams and […]

Delayed effects of embryonic exposure to low levels of PCB-126 on adult zebrafish behavior

Meeting Abstract 103.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30  Delayed effects of embryonic exposure to low levels of PCB-126 on adult zebrafish behavior GLAZER, L*; ALURU, N; HAHN, ME; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution lglazer@whoi.edu Human and wildlife exposure to anthropogenic environmental contaminants such as dioxin-like compounds has been documented worldwide. PCB-126 […]

Changes in Ocean Temperature Impact Fish Acoustic Communication Implications for Reproductive Timing and Acoustic Community Structure

Meeting Abstract 103.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:00  Changes in Ocean Temperature Impact Fish Acoustic Communication: Implications for Reproductive Timing and Acoustic Community Structure RICE, A.N.*; MORANO, J.L.; Cornell Univ.; Cornell Univ. arice@cornell.edu http://www.nbb.cornell.edu/neurobio/aaronrice Acoustic communication is a critical component of many animals’ behavior, and sounds are often produced for reproductive advertisement. For many species of vocalizing fishes, […]

Trans-seasonal activation of brain GnRH Mechanisms underlying temperature-induced reproduction

Meeting Abstract 102.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00  Trans-seasonal activation of brain GnRH: Mechanisms underlying temperature-induced reproduction. LUTTERSCHMIDT, D.I.*; LUCAS, A.R.; Portland State University d.lutterschmidt@pdx.edu All animals use environmental cues to accurately time life-history events. How the brain decodes information about the environment to produce adaptive changes in physiology and behavior, however, is poorly understood. We asked if […]

Timing mechanisms in a songbird comparing hormones and gene expression in sping in migrant and resident populations held in a common garden

Meeting Abstract 102.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30  Timing mechanisms in a songbird: comparing hormones and gene expression in sping in migrant and resident populations held in a common garden FUDICKAR, A.M.*; GRIEVES, T; KETTERSON, E; Indiana University; North Dakota State University; Indiana University afudickar@gmail.com When migratory and sedentary populations co-occur, they experience the same biotic and abiotic […]

The effects of thyroid replacement on pre-alternate molt, migration and reproduction in the White-crowned Sparrow (Z Leucophrys gambelli)

Meeting Abstract 102.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:15  The effects of thyroid replacement on pre-alternate molt, migration and reproduction in the White-crowned Sparrow (Z. Leucophrys gambelli) PEREZ, JH*; WINGFIELD, JC; RAMENOFSKY, M; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis jhperez@ucdavis.edu The photoinduction of breeding and migratory behavior in songbirds has been a subject […]

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