Meeting Abstract 104.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 10:45 A comparative analysis of medio-lateral forces in upright and sprawled systems FATH, M.A.*; HSIEH, S.T.; Temple University; Temple University During the course of vertebrate evolution, multiple tetrapod lineages evolved from sprawled to erect postures. While most studies have focused on the kinetics of quadrupedal and bipedal locomotion using […]
year: 2015
The Effects of Nonylphenol Exposure on Crayfish Toxicity Concentrations and Alterations of Orientation Behavior
Meeting Abstract 103.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00 The Effects of Nonylphenol Exposure on Crayfish: Toxicity Concentrations and Alterations of Orientation Behavior BERGMAN, D.A.*; SWIFT, K.M.; WAALKES, W.C.; GAUTHIER, S.J.; Grand Valley State University Nonlyphenol is an organic compound used in detergents, pesticides and lubricants. It is a ubiquitous pollutant of both terrestrial and aquatic biospheres. Nonetheless, […]
Nose blind or not The effects of copper on chemically-mediated orientation behavior
Meeting Abstract 103.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:15 Nose blind or not? The effects of copper on chemically-mediated orientation behavior LAHMAN, S E*; MOORE, P A ; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University Increases in sensory pollution within an environment can impair an organism’s ability to extract information necessary to make spatial decisions regarding orientation […]
Effects of Animal Predators and Human Hunters on Runs of a Beach-Spawning Fish
Meeting Abstract 103.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15 Effects of Animal Predators and Human Hunters on Runs of a Beach-Spawning Fish MARTIN, K.L.M.*; QUACH, V.V.; PIERCE, E.R.; Pepperdine Univ., Malibu, CA; Pepperdine Univ., Malibu, CA; Pepperdine Univ., Malibu, CA Famous for unique spawning behavior, California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis surf onto sandy beaches to lay eggs out […]
Developmental plasticity in gene expression and behavior in turbid environments
Meeting Abstract 103.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45 Developmental plasticity in gene expression and behavior in turbid environments EHLMAN, SM*; SANDKAM, B; SIH, A; BREDEN, F; Univ of California, Davis; Simon Fraser Univ; Univ of California, Davis; Simon Fraser Univ Upstream human disturbance can cause major changes in aquatic environments by increasing sedimentation in streams and […]
Delayed effects of embryonic exposure to low levels of PCB-126 on adult zebrafish behavior
Meeting Abstract 103.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30 Delayed effects of embryonic exposure to low levels of PCB-126 on adult zebrafish behavior GLAZER, L*; ALURU, N; HAHN, ME; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Human and wildlife exposure to anthropogenic environmental contaminants such as dioxin-like compounds has been documented worldwide. PCB-126 […]
Changes in Ocean Temperature Impact Fish Acoustic Communication Implications for Reproductive Timing and Acoustic Community Structure
Meeting Abstract 103.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:00 Changes in Ocean Temperature Impact Fish Acoustic Communication: Implications for Reproductive Timing and Acoustic Community Structure RICE, A.N.*; MORANO, J.L.; Cornell Univ.; Cornell Univ. Acoustic communication is a critical component of many animals’ behavior, and sounds are often produced for reproductive advertisement. For many species of vocalizing fishes, […]
Trans-seasonal activation of brain GnRH Mechanisms underlying temperature-induced reproduction
Meeting Abstract 102.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00 Trans-seasonal activation of brain GnRH: Mechanisms underlying temperature-induced reproduction. LUTTERSCHMIDT, D.I.*; LUCAS, A.R.; Portland State University All animals use environmental cues to accurately time life-history events. How the brain decodes information about the environment to produce adaptive changes in physiology and behavior, however, is poorly understood. We asked if […]
Timing mechanisms in a songbird comparing hormones and gene expression in sping in migrant and resident populations held in a common garden
Meeting Abstract 102.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30 Timing mechanisms in a songbird: comparing hormones and gene expression in sping in migrant and resident populations held in a common garden FUDICKAR, A.M.*; GRIEVES, T; KETTERSON, E; Indiana University; North Dakota State University; Indiana University When migratory and sedentary populations co-occur, they experience the same biotic and abiotic […]
The effects of thyroid replacement on pre-alternate molt, migration and reproduction in the White-crowned Sparrow (Z Leucophrys gambelli)
Meeting Abstract 102.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:15 The effects of thyroid replacement on pre-alternate molt, migration and reproduction in the White-crowned Sparrow (Z. Leucophrys gambelli) PEREZ, JH*; WINGFIELD, JC; RAMENOFSKY, M; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis The photoinduction of breeding and migratory behavior in songbirds has been a subject […]