Effect of age and temperature on B cell function in a long-lived ectotherm

Meeting Abstract 131.1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30  Effect of age and temperature on B cell function in a long-lived ectotherm ZIMMERMAN, L.M.*; CARTER, A.W.; VOGEL, L.A.; BOWDEN, R.M.; Illinois St. Univ.; Illinois St. Univ.; Illinois St. Univ.; Illinois St. Univ. lmzimme@ilstu.edu Both endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates typically demonstrate a functional decrease in immune function with age. In […]

The effect of parity (oviparous vs viviparous) on morphological evolution among Phrynosomatidae

Meeting Abstract 130.4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15  The effect of parity (oviparous vs. viviparous) on morphological evolution among Phrynosomatidae OUFIERO, C.E.*; GARTNER, G.E.A.; Towson University; Museum of Comparative Zoology coufiero@towson.edu A major transition in life-history evolution is the shift from egg-laying (oviparity) to live birth (viviparity). Viviparity has evolved independently multiple times among vertebrate taxa, with an […]

Reconciling morphology, molecules, and species diversity with phoronid phylogenetic relationships

Meeting Abstract 130.8  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:15  Reconciling morphology, molecules, and species diversity with phoronid phylogenetic relationships. SANTAGATA, S.; Long Island University-Post scott.santagata@gmail.com Phoronids are tubiculous marine invertebrates closely related to brachiopods. Previous phylogenetic work by Santagata and Cohen (2009) found only weak congruence between the morphological and molecular based analyses. Here, I present an improved molecular […]

Phylogeny of Chaetopteridae (Annelida)

Meeting Abstract 130.7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 15:00  Phylogeny of Chaetopteridae (Annelida) MOORE, J. M.*; NISHI, E.; ROUSE, G. W.; Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida; Yokohama National University, Japan; Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, Univ. of California San Diego jmoore@ufl.edu Chaetopteridae is a globally distributed clade of polychaetes in need of thorough systematic revision. Most chaetopterids […]

Interspecific variation in chemical signal devices in lacertid lizards – A family-wide comparison of femoral pore numbers

Meeting Abstract 130.6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:45  Interspecific variation in chemical signal devices in lacertid lizards – A family-wide comparison of femoral pore numbers BAECKENS, S.*; EDWARDS, S.; HUYGHE, K.; VAN DAMME, R.; University of Antwerp; Stellenbosch University; University of Antwerp; University of Antwerp simon.baeckens@uantwerpen.be Animals communicate through an astonishing variety of signals and displays. The effects […]

Evolution of paedomorphosis in plethodontid salamanders ecological correlates, reversals, and heterochrony

Meeting Abstract 130.5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30  Evolution of paedomorphosis in plethodontid salamanders: ecological correlates, reversals, and heterochrony BONETT, R M*; STEFFEN, M A; LAMBERT, S M; ROBISON, G A; WIENS, J J; CHIPPINDALE, P T; University of Tulsa; University of Tulsa; University of Arizona; University of Tulsa; University of Arizona; University of Texas Arlington ron-bonett@utulsa.edu Life […]

Evolution of a novel trait in pelican spiders (Archaeidae)

Meeting Abstract 130.1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:30  Evolution of a novel trait in pelican spiders (Archaeidae) WOOD, HM*; WAINWRIGHT, PC; University of California, Davis; University of California, Davis woodhannahmarie@gmail.com Archaeid spiders, commonly known as pelican spiders, are an ancient group that may have existed since Pangean times with their diversification on Madagascar and Australia possibly relating to […]

Correlates of miniaturization Scaling of morphology and behavioral repertoires of Neotropical stingless bees

Meeting Abstract 130.2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 13:45  Correlates of miniaturization: Scaling of morphology and behavioral repertoires of Neotropical stingless bees DUELL, M*; ROUBIK, D; WCISLO, W; HARRISON, JF; SMITH, BH; Arizona State University; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Arizona State University; Arizona State University meduell@asu.edu When a species evolves extremely small body size with […]

Biogeography and body shape evolution in parallel radiations in the Australian skink genus, Lerista

Meeting Abstract 130.3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:00  Biogeography and body shape evolution in parallel radiations in the Australian skink genus, Lerista MORINAGA, G*; BERGMANN, P J; Clark University; Clark University gmorinaga@clarku.edu Squamates are notable for their morphological diversity, exhibiting a variety of body sizes and shapes. Lizards in particular show a wide array of body plans, ranging […]

Thyroid hormone driving larval cells Mad the role of c-Myc gene family in intestinal stem cell development

Meeting Abstract 129.4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15  Thyroid hormone driving larval cells Mad: the role of c-Myc gene family in intestinal stem cell development MILLER, TC*; WEN, L; CHIU, J; SHI, YS; Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development millertc@mail.nih.gov During Xenopus (X.) laevis metamorphosis, a remodeling of the larval intestinal epithelium occurs […]

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